Dialogue: Empowering Indonesia Amid The Chaos of The World Economy
- Details
- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 2147
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) in collaboration with the Central Executive Board of Gadjah Mada Alumni Association (KAGAMA), the daily Kompas, and FM Radio Sonora, will hold an event: Dialog TERAS KITA Special Edition Lustrum XII FEB UGM, with the theme "Empowering Indonesia Amid The Chaos of The World Economy", (Indonesia: Memberdayakan Indonesia Di Tengah Kekacauan Ekonomi Dunia).
The dialog will be held on:
- Day, date: Saturday, October 10, 2015
- Time: 1.00 PM to 4.30 PM
- Venue: Auditorium Djarum Foundation, Pertamina Tower Building, FEB UGM Yogyakarta
- Mr. Erwin Rijanto (Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia)
- Mr. Aloysius K. Ro (Deputy of Business Development and Restructuring of the Ministry of State Enterprise)
- Mr. Jodjana Jodi (Chief Executive Officer of Astra Credit Company)
- Mr. Thomas Dharmawan (Chairman of Asosiasi Pengusaha Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Produk Perikanan Indonesia (AP5I))
Moderator: Banu Astono (Kompas Senior Journalist)
The dialogue will be live broadcast by Radio Sonora FM broadcasting in 32 points, Radio Sonora Streaming www.radioonline.co.id/mobile, and FEB UGM Streaming www.feb.ugm.ac.id. Interactive dialogue is also provided for a question and answer session by telephone 0274 548515, SMS 08121129200, or Twitter @sonorafm92.
For FEB students (undergraduate and graduate program) who are interested to join this dialogue, TERAS KITA can register via the online form below (free of charge and limited seat). For further information about the dialogue please contact: Ika Krisna 0274 548510 ext. 103.