Seminar: Panama Papers: Tax Evasion, Money Laundering and Corruption, and the Impact for Indonesia Economy
- Details
- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 2248
Master of Science and Doctorate (MD) Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) will hold a Seminar with the topic "Panama Papers: Tax Evasion, Money Laundering and Corruption, and the Impact for Indonesia Economy," (Bahasa Indonesia: Panama Papers: Penggelapan pajak, Pencucian Uang dan Korupsi, serta Dampaknya bagi Perekonomian Indonesia).
This seminar will present some of the interviewees, as follows:
- Sujanarko (the Corruption Eradication Commission)
- Dr. Bimo Wijoyanto (the President Staff Office of the Republic of Indonesia)
- Dr. Poltak Maruli John Liberty Hutagaol, M.A. (the Directorate General of Tax)
- Dr. Rimawan Pradiptyo, M.Sc., (Lecturer and Researcher at UGM)
- Dr. Ivan Yustiavandana, S.H., LL.M. (the Center of Reporting and Financial Transaction Analyst)
Moderator: Dr. I Wayan Nuka Lantara, M.Sc. (Lecturer and Researcher at UGM)
The seminar will be held on:
- Day, date: Friday, April 22, 2016
- Time: 08:30-11:30 AM
- Venue: Auditorium BRI, Master of Science and Doctorate Building, FEB UGM
For students who are interested to join in this seminar can register by contacting to: Admission Office of Master of Science and Doctorate Study Program FEB UGM, tel 0274 580726 or Mobile 08175464545. (Free and seating is limited).