The use of financial services is predicted to increase
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The demand for the use of financial services in Indonesia is predicted to rise. Increased the use of financial services is in line with the increase in the per capita income. Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Muliaman Hadad said the use of financial services not only to banks but also insurance.
"It would increase not only in banking, but also insurance," Hadad said on Talkshow Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dan Manajemen Krisis Kedepan located at Djarum Foundation Auditorium Pertamina Tower of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, on Thursday (6/12).
Muliaman assess the increasing the use of financial services will contribute to the development of the financial industry in the country. However, if the opportunity is not managed properly will be a problem later on.
"We do not want this to be the epicenter of the financial industry crisis Indonesia that must be managed well," added the former Deputy Governor of BI.
The existence of OJK, Hadad said, among other things as a agency who making the integrated regulation and supervision of the overall activity in the financial services sector. In addition as well as the resolution of a good and effective if the crisis.
"The resolution system being good later can through the constitution of the Financial System Safety Net (JPSK). For now, we can do coordination through the Financial System Stability Coordination Forum (FKSSK) that has been formed," Hadad said.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Association of National Commercial Banks (Perbanas) Sigit Pramono criticized the policy of withdrawal fees (charges) of OJK to financial institutions. The policy would cost to financial institutions and community.
"This needs to compromise anymore. Fact that I have an idea, the LPS can even BI can contributed funds to the OJK," said Sigit.
The same criticism was also spoken by UGM economists, Tony Prasetiantono. Tony said the policy of withdrawal fees of OJK to financial institutions will lead to conflict of interest. Consequently, independence OJK will also be questioned.
"It must be fair to all the banks. Avoid OJK will be lose teeth," Tony criticism.
Sources: satria/ugm