Economic growth in 2013 ranged from 6 to 6.5 Percent
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Indonesia's economic growth in 2013 is projected to be more or less remain the same as in 2012, with economic growth rates range from 6% to 6.5%. Therefore, economic growth and the financial sector is expected to involve lower-middle class and the poor protection groups. So that was raised in the seminar "Indonesia Economic Outlook and Financial Market Outlook" in the Millennium Hotel, Kebon Sirih, Jakarta, Tuesday (18/12).
Economic Observer, Prof. Sri Adiningsih, said the Indonesian economy looks increasingly prospective and optimistic. Nevertheless, investment in high growth expected to slow to follow the conditions of international trade. "The impact of the European economic uncertainty continues," said Prof. Sri Adiningsih.
He added that the dynamics of the domestic economy is affected by the volatility of external economic conditions in the United States and Europe still continues with weakened linkages. Meanwhile, Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof.. Samsubar Saleh said internal and external pressure continues, inflation is expected to remain high. So he pessimistic about economic growth target of 6.8 percent to be achieved by the government.
In the stock market, in 2013, stock market observers Dr. I Wayan Nuka Lantara estimate IHSG (Composite Stock Price Index) is through the level of 5000, with the main thrust of the banking sector, property and telecommunications. In addition, the fixed income market is projected that government bond yields will be more graphic horizontally, which means bond prices higher indicating increased trading. And short-term money market in the banking sector has been the trend in lending rates declining, stable exchange rate, and the weakening of the agricultural and mining sectors.
The seminar was organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof. Wihana Jaya Kirana. The seminar is divided into two sessions. The first session, review the economic outlook for 2012 and 2013, Indonesia's macroeconomic contains 3 topics, macroeconomic analysis, analysis of the public sector and international economic analysis. The second session, to discuss financial market review 2012 and outlook 2013 with the topic, the analysis of short-term money market, bond market analysis and stock market analysis.
Sources: gusti/ugm