Webinar: Opportunities and Challenges of Islamic Accounting Development
- Details
- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 1112
In commemoration of the 65th Anniversary (Lustrum XIII) of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, Master in Accounting Study Program FEB UGM in collaboration with the Institute of Indonesian Chartered Accountants (IAI) Chapter D.I. Yogyakarta will conduct Seminar on the topic of "Opportunities and Challenges of Islamic Accounting Development", (Indonesian, Peluang dan Tantangan Pengembangan Akuntansi Syariah).
This event will be held on:
- Day: Thursday
- Date: 3 September 2020
- Time: 08:00 AM to 11:00 AM
- Media: Zoom Webinar
- Prof. Dr. Bambang Sudibyo, MBA. (Chairman of the National Amil Zakat Agency/BAZNAS and Professor at Faculty of Economics and Business UGM)
- Deden Firman Hendarsyah, M.Buss. (Director of Sharia Banking Arrangements and Licensing at Financial Services Authority/OJK)
- Drs. Fahmi Subandi, Akt., M.Agr. (Director of Operations at BRI Syariah)
- Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, Ph.D. (Chairman of the Sharia Accounting Standards Board/DSAS at Institute of Indonesian Chartered Accountants/IAI and Professor at Faculty of Economics and Business UGM)
- Sutrisno Mukayan, MM., Akt., (Head Division of Accounting and Finance at BRI Syariah)
- Aprilia Beta Suandi, M.Ec., Ph.D. (Lecturer at Department of Accounting FEB UGM)
- Participant: Student, Lecturer, Researcher, Practitioners, and Public participant
- Register by filling out the online registration form provided, click here
- For participants who attend the seminar until completion will get a e-certificate and credit 3 SKP IAI
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and any inquiries can contact: Admission office of Master in Accounting FEB UGM, tel 0274 548510 ext 107