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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Student
- Hits: 6639
The Soft Skills Training and Recharging (STAR) Program is an innovative soft skills development program for Faculty of Economics and Business UGM students. It is hoped that with this program students can increase their potential and capabilities so that they can become future leaders who can have an impact on society.
- Leadership Exploration and Development (LEAD) in undergraduate study programs
Undergraduate students are required to follow 8 soft skills themes, namely: Study Life Balance, Critical Thinking, Presentation Skills, Writing Skills: Antiplagiarism, Leadership and Negotiation Skills, Writing Skills: Academic and Reference Manager, Personal Branding, and Interview Skills. - Leadership Enhancement and Acceleration Program (LEAP) in the Master in Management study program
- Guest Lecturer, Orientation, Writing Excellence, Sharing Session and Training (GO WEST) in the Master in Accounting study program
- Soft Skills Training and Recharging for Leaders in Economic Development (FLEET) in the Master in Development Economics study program
This program must be followed by students of the Master in Development Economics study program by preparing 7 (seven) kinds of soft skills topics, namely: Personal Integrity, Critical Thinking Skills, Indonesian for Academic Purposes/Scientific Writing, References and Anti-Plagiarism, Oral and Written Communication, Public Speaking, and Leadership and Teamwork. - Researcher's Enrichment Program (REACH) in the Master of Science and Doctoral study programs
This program is specifically for developing soft skills for students in Master of Science and Doctoral study programs so that students have good career academic performance. This program has four activities, namely: 1) UGM and FEB value orientation, academic career orientation, Scholar's Day out, presentations and writing of academic documents, and anti-plagiarism. 2) Design Thinking. 3) Writing skills for publication. 4) Motivation and Pressure Management.
On the other hand, the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM collaborates with the career development institution kairlab.co to enrich students' career journey insight which can be followed online. Complete information can be seen at https://feb-ugm.karirlab.co/event.
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Student
- Hits: 22317
Student services include:
A. Academics
- Academic Writing Skills
- Success Characteristics in writing
- Good Writing Structures (download: Guidelines For Writing Scientific Papers)
- Expressing Ideas well in writing
- Integrity and plagiarism (download: Guidelines For Anti Plagiarism)
- Reference Management Guide (download: Guidelines For Zotero)
- Managing Document Using Word Processing Software (download: Guidelines For Managing Document Using Ms Word)
- Presentation Skills
- Pre-presentation preparation
- Presentation contents
- Expressing ideas in presentations
- Group presentations
- Evaluation of presentations
- Research Writing Skills
- Research proposal making
- Strategic in writing scientific literatures and journals
- Content of material and procedures
- Reporting the results of the research
- Exams (Midterm/Final), Thesis defending and comprehensive exam strategy
- Pre-exam preparation
- Answering exam question in efficient and effective ways
- Reading literatures and books in accordance with the exams
- Expressing ideas in writing the answers
B. Non Academics
- Student’s Center
- Presentations and visits of partner Universities
- Seminars and Public lecture
- University and general school visits
- Presentations of award to students who perform well
- Self motivation training and seminars
- Service given to International Students
- Student counseling
- Career Center
- Job seeking training (job hunting)
- Job interview training
- Career and internships
- Campus recruitment
- Alumni Center
- Students learn from alumni (Alumni back to campus)
- Career development
- Job Internship and advanced study
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Student
- Hits: 27850
Student community in Faculty of Economics and Business UGM are the school's representations who engage not limited with our students, but also academics, industry and the wider community. Every association hosts a variety of educational, networking & social events throughout the year whilst representing students interests and managing the class representative program.
Following are some student communities, associations, and organizations in the Faculty of Economics ad Business UGM.
Ikatan Keluarga Mahasiswa Manajemen
Ikatan Mahasiswa Akuntansi Gadjah Mada
Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Ekonomi Dan Studi Pembangunan (Ilmu Ekonomi)
Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa
Badan Pers Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis
Pecinta Alam Mahasiswa Ekonomi
Jamaah Mahasiswa Muslim Ekonomika
Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Kristen
Kesatuan Mahasiswa Katholik
Economics Session Band
Shariah Economic Forum
Forum Komunikasi Mahasiswa Magister Sains
Ikatan Mahasiswa dan Alumni Program Doktor Ekonomika dan Bisnis Gadjah Mada
Himpunan Mahasiswa Magister Akuntansi
Himpunan Mahasiswa Magister Ekonomika Pembangunan
Himpunan Mahasiswa Profesi Akuntan Gadjah Mada
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Student
- Hits: 1184
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