Graduation Period I 2011/2012, FEB Release 104 graduates
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Tuesday (22/11), the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada release the 104 graduates of the undergraduate program (S1). Consist of 94 students international dan regular program and 10 student swadaya program.
Agenda release of graduation was held right after the graduation, held at Graha Sabha Pramana on Tuesday morning. The release of the graduation was held in the auditorium of the University Club, with the agenda of speeches from graduates with the highest GPA, Lisa (IUP Accounting 2007), the Dean, and parents or guardians of the students.
This first period, 40 graduates expressed cumlaude with the highest GPA 3.89. While graduates fastest recorded 3 years 6 months, is Vania Nastiti Nita. All academicians of Faculty congratulate and success for the graduates.
Source: Prima/FEB