FEB UGM held the Graduation of 229 Accounting Profession
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The Graduation Ceremony of 229 Accounting Profession students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada, the Indonesian accountants face greater challenges than in previous years. Indonesia's biggest challenge today is the accountant liability that has already begun by implementing IFRS since 2010. While in 2013 the practitioners of public accountants are required to adopt fully ISA.
According to the Chairman of the Accounting Profession Program of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, Drs. Sugiarto, M.Acc., MBA., Ak., CMA, it is rerlated to the obligation for public companies to implement transparency on the financial reporting and good corporate governance. Those big challenges are the main issues discussed by the the organization's accountant in Indonesia today. How can Indonesian accountants perform the various of strategic steps in order to face challenges, as well as create leading accountants in terms of both quality and quantity," he said, at Graha Sabha Pramana, on Friday (22/6) when inaugurate 229 new Professional Accounting.
He said, the challenges are the reality for students of Professional Accounting Education in Indonesia in general, and in particular the Accounting Profession UGM to develop themselves as professional accountants, who can provide solutions to all challenges. Related to this, the Accounting Profession Program tries to make every effort to provide more values to its graduates. The way to achieve it is by giving structured lectures for producing qualified outcomes. The effort is not limited to only give notions. Based on the motto of 'More Than Knowledge', then the teaching methods stress as well the enhancement of positive values. It is expected that such behavior will be understood and furthermore the alumni will continue to uphold values of honesty, discipline, and obedience to law, "he said.
Representing the parent’s speech, the Head of District Administrative of Sleman, Drs. Purnomo said that Professional Accounting Education is not only for private life, but alsoit is necessary for the progress of society, nation and state. The environment of good governance in government and business institutions in the current era has become a necessity and the accounting profession would play a major role in realizing it, because the accountants become a strategic pillar of the system of accountability and transparency. "His role is to bring government and business organizations that are clean, dignified and responsible. This is one of the challenges and opportunities thathe graduates should make use of it," he said.
Vice Dean of Faculty of Economics and Administration, Finance and HR, Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D. the degree added has big meaning. The title brings trust and responsibility that must be brought in daily life. "Professional accountants are attached to the graduates themselves continue to be taken where it belongs. If you were to be an entrepreneur even if you are an entrepreneur, accountant, for example, a manager is also manager of the accountant. Moreover, you as an examiner, the AKP moreover, wherever you are an accountant. Faculty expects that the graduates maintain the ethics during their career. ,"he advised.
In the graduation-9, Accounting Profession Program Faculty of Economics and Business UGM successfully graduated 229 accountants, comprising 90 male and 139 female graduates. With this graduation the total number of graduates of the Accounting Profession Program reaches 1373 alumni. 30 students have earned GPA Cum Laude ; the highest GPA of 4:00 and the lowest GPA of 2.81.
Source: agung/ugm