Gresika Bunga Sylvana, FEB student being DIY Ambassadors in Indonesia Youth Parliament 2012
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Gresika Bunga Sylvana, student of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, was elected as the delegate for Yogyakarta Special Province Indonesia to join Indonesian Youth Parliament Assembly. 33 delegates accross nation attended the event which took place in Jakarta from January 28 – February 3, 2012.
Indonesian Youth Parliament is organized by the Indonesian Future Leaders, a nonprofit corporation engaged in the empowerment of youth for social change. Indonesian Youth Parliament is a youth empowerment program to enhance youth participation in political decision making.
Gersika Bunga convey himself that she is elected as DIY ambassador for the activities at Indonesian Youth Parliament after a series of selection process including the selection of files, interviews via campaign and youth parliament website. At the stage of the campaign, he was competing with four other participants who have successfully passed the final selection to win votes. The participants are required to campaign, deliver the mission and the ideas related to a number of issues in education, health, and environment.
"I am elected as DIY ambassador after winning more than 1,000 votes during the result of a campaign for a month, around October-November 2011. At that time I highlight the issue of commercialization of education. Education, "said Bunga, her nickname in her school at Accounting Department class of 2009, Monday (26/3) at UGM.
As a provincial delegation of DIY, Bunga together with 32 representatives accross Indonesia are invited to Indonesian Youth Parliament assembly held in Sampoerna Strategic Square Jakarta. The general assembly is a program for young parliamentary delegation to convey ideas and views on the issues of education, health, and environment. "Every delegate representing his/her province to voice concerns and provide solutions related the issues in their respective areas. And the outcome of the assembly represents the resolution of policy recommendations for further addresse the governments and state agencies that are relevant, "explained the girl born in Sleman 20 years ago.
Besides doing the assembly, the young parliamentary delegations also actively participate in various activities such as workshops, seminars, visits and discussions with academic institutions.
Bunga hopes through Indonesian Youth Parliament he can increase youth participation in national political arena, as an effort to maintain the values of democracy and human rights protection for the sake of the people of Indonesia. It also increases the awareness of youth on national issues, accumulating ideas about the youth and provide solutions to real problems.
"Preparing young people with the ability and necessary skills to build a nation and as future leaders of Indonesia," said Bunga, who was also elected as a UGM delegate in the Youth Parliament organized by the Parliament of Indonesia.
After representing himself during the assembly of Indonesian Youth Parliament, Bunga and other delegates are given a mandate to plan and execute social projects and advocacy to the provincial governments respectively. During the event every delegation get grants to support the success of the Future Leaders program.
Sources: ika/ugm