JIEB Best Paper Award Seminar 2012
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Journal of Indonesia Economics and Business convening 'Best Paper Award Seminar 2012' on November 24th, at Cakra Kusuma Hotel. This event was opened by the Vice Rector, Student, Alumni, and Business Development, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com. and Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof. Wihana Jaya Kirana, M.Soc. S.C, Ph.D.
Editor in Chief JIEB Prof. Mudrajad Kuncoro, Ph.D. in his speech said that for the year 2012, Call for Papers JIEB topic is "Accelerating Social Economy, Entrepreneurship and Accounting Amidst Global Crisis".
Prof. Mudrajad describes the Best Paper Award (BPA) this time collected as many as 33 articles covering the fields of accounting, management and economics. The articles come from a variety of regions in Indonesia there is even an article that comes from abroad.
"Other than Indonesia was also from Norway, Africa and Malaysia,' said Mudrajad.
He added, that since 2007 JIEB the accredited journal published by the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) routinely held Call for Paper and Best Paper Award Seminar each year. It is the channeling of scientific literature that aims to improve the quantity and quality of writing in Indonesia.
"Best Paper Award is for the finalists to present and discuss their scientific article in public which consists of students, academics, practitioners and economists," he said.
After going through the selection process and rigorous review, it was elected five finalist teams are entitled to present their article in the event 'Best Paper Award Seminar 2012'. In addition a number of 12 articles received is worthy and the rest 15 article is not eligible.
Mudrajad add on BPA 2012 the jury decided not to choose the first champion. Meanwhile, the second winner Joko Mariyono with the theme rice production in Indonesia and are entitled to get cash IDR 2.000.000. The third and fourth winner is Lilis Nurul Husna and Sarpono with theme the poor villages in Yogyakarta and eligible to get cash IDR 1.500.000.
Furthermore, the runnerup I-III is M. Shafi Antonio and Yulizar D. Sanrego, Suranto and Rahmawati, Bayu charisma and Samsubar Saleh who respectively got IDR 750.000. The five articles that enter will get priority to JIEB edition that will be published in 2013.
Source: satria/ugm