Year Politics, Economy Slowed in Early 2013
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Although the new elections will be held next year, the beginning of the year 2013 has been filled with a variety of political issues warmed. Various political issues sticking signifies Indonesia began to enter into the political year.
Senior economist, Prof. Dr. Sri Adiningsih estimate the global economy is still going down. Economic slowdown and global economic uncertainty is considered an adverse effect on the Indonesian economy.
"Factors that suppress the international economy through trade, foreign investment and financial markets, as well as domestic conditions that do not provide support climate conducive to business and investment would give a heavy emphasis on macroeconomic stability and economic growth," she said, on Thursday (14/3 ), at the Auditorium Pertamina Tower FEB UGM, during an Indonesia Economic Review and Outlook (IERO) in a discussion titled Economic and Finance Welcomes Politic Year that begins with Gold Investment Disputes.
Indonesia's macro economy and discusses the future economic forecast, predicting Adiningsih Indonesian economy will not improve soon. Inflation is expected to rise, the volatility of the rupiah is still going great, and economic growth will not immediately increase significantly.
"It is therefore expected to remain focused economic authorities maintain macroeconomic stability and to provide a range of support necessary stimulus or business and corporate world, so well preserved economic stability and economic growth are not cut anymore," she explained.
Meanwhile, despite having preceded the political uproar, Economist Dr. Tony Prasentiantono, M.Sc do not believe that elected members would be able to exert significant influence on economic growth in Indonesia. Because investment, banking system, exchange rates and other economic factors that can make an impact on economic growth.
Sources: Agung/UGM