Local Wisdom to Face the Global Challenge
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- Written by FEB UGM
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Friday (15/09), in order to celebrate Dies Natalis FEB UGM in its 62, a symposium was held with the theme "Local Wisdom to Face the Global Challenges". The purpose of conducting the event is to give insights to about the roles which could be implemented from the values possessed by Indonesia which then might be used to face the global challenges, especially in education.
The event was held in Auditorium Mubyarto MEP FEB UGM with speakers drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D. as Vice Rector in Research and Community Service, Prof.Dr.R.M.Gunawan Soemodiningrat, M.Ec., Prof. Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, M.B.A., Ph.D., and Prof. Indra Wijaya Kusuma, M.B.A., Ph.D. The symposium lead by Bayu Aji Ariotejo as a moderator and Dr. Eko Suwardi, M.Sc. as Dean of FEB UGM delivered the opening speech. In this event, the speakers gave insights about how to bring local wisdom values to answer the global challenges in different perspectives.
Drg. Ika shared her perspective about university as the agent of social change and the nation sovereignty support. Drg. Ika emphasized her focus to the urbanization trend and the poverty level in Indonesia. According to her explanation, UGM must contribute towards science and technology. One of the indicators is the university ranking as well as citations in scientific articles. Drg. Ika concluded that university’s contributions towards public welfare should be one of criteria in global university ranking. Therefore, research and community service is a recommendation to be done by FBE UGM.
Prof. Gunawan explained his opinion about globalization as a process towards goodness which could be built from inside (local). “Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi” performs local wisdom by accompanying the society. There is a need to face the global challenges. The things to do are optimizing cooperation with many parties in strategic alliance, increasing society companion’s capacity with training of trainer, and also broadening development success examples, which implement local wisdom, built by UGM.
Prof. Basu underlined the values embraced by FEB UGM, which are integrity, professionalism, objectivity and conformity, academic freedom, and social concerns, to be wise to face the global condition. Then, Prof. Indra explained that education should not only lead to international trend, but also raise local wisdom as a foundation to strengthen the usefulness towards society. The curriculum should be arranged by carrying the character of the nation. Last but not least, education contribution must be real towards the society throughout thoughts, area development, product manufacture, and product distribution.
Sumber: Acha/FEB UGM