FEB UGM and United Nations University Collaborate in Developing Syllabus and Teaching Method for Business Sustainability Education
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Faculty of Economics and Business UGM held Training of Trainers program for the syllabus and teaching development of business sustainability education in business schools. This program is a collaboration between FEB UGM and United Nations University (UNU). The dean of FEB UGM, Dr. Eko Suwardi, opened this ToT program that were held for two days from 9th to 10th of October 2017. During this program, 26 lecturers from various Faculty of Economics and Businesses in Indonesia were actively participating in this program.
Dr. Zinaida Fadeeva, from UNU, was the main trainer and facilitator in this program. During the program she highlighted that the most important step of developing any syllabus related with business sustainability education was first, understanding the competencies that the faculty are wanted the students to have; second, how the teaching process will be held; and finally, knowing what resources are needed to make it happen.
Intensive discussions among participants and Dr. Fadeeva have resulted in the participants able to not only develop new course syllabus, but also to incorporate business sustainability education within a number of existing courses, such as cost accounting, managerial accounting, and entrepreneurship. This training had successfully equipped its participants with the ability to train its fellow lecturers on how to develop syllabus and teaching methods for business sustainability education.
Following up to this program, FEB UGM and UNU have been committed to continue this collaboration further.
Source: Agritansia/FEB UGM