Public Lecture Islam and Accounting by Dr. Mohammad Hudaib
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- Written by FEB UGM
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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) proudly presented general lecture in talked on "Research Topics in Islamic Accounting, Ethics, and Governance". It was held in Auditorium BRI, Master of Science and Doctorate Degree Building, FEB UGM at Monday (9/2). The honor speaker is Dr. Mohammad Hudaib from Adam Smith Business School, The University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.
As the moderator of this Public Lecturer, Mahfud Sholihin, PhD, the Head of Accounting Department FEB UGM, opened the event by greeting and explanation. Dr. Mohammad Hudaib continued with greeting and prayer which then followed by explanation about Accounting. He also questioned to the audiences, "What is necessary for 'the alternative and critical accounting research’ to emerge?".
Dr. Mohammad Hudaib talked in Arabic said that Islam was wide, Islam could organize all of the aspects of human’s life, such as governance and accounting, but men was also the one who alienated those aspects from Islam.
The Public Lecturer was held by Accounting Major of FEB UGM for undergraduate and graduate students, which includes Prof. Dr. Suwardjono, M.Sc as a lecture also seen in this event. Besides, there were also several students from other Universities, such as Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.
One of the participants from UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Muhammad Iqbal Fasa gave his comment once the Public Lecturer was ended: "Islamic Accounting has great prospect and hope but standardize of Accounting Syari’ah or Finance Syari’ah had to be considered and used entirely. My hope in the future is Accounting Syari’ah internationally and in Indonesia can be in the same standard."
Source: Azka/FEB