KAFEGAMA 89 Gives Soft Skill Development to FEB UGM Students
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Last Saturday (14/10), alumni of FEB UGM year '89 held a workshop as well as training session leading a theme "Confidence in Entering Working Environment: Strategies in Arranging Attractive CV and Success in Work Interview". This event was cordially welcomed by the enthusiasm of dozens of students who were attending at Room U212 FEB UGM. This event was begun by speech from Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, Ph.D. as a representative from faculty and Bismo Prayoga, S.E., M.M. as a representative from alumni of FEB UGM year '89.
This event was led by Ely. C. Andrianita, S.Sos as the main facilitator with expert panelists, they are; Bismo Prayoga, S.E., M.M. (Founder and Dir. Ops. of PT. Karka Abisatya Mataram), Asih Samihadi, S.H. (Head of Contact Center of Bank Mandiri), Imam Satoto Yudiono, S.E. (Director of PT. Buana Karya Bhakti) and Ir. Nyoman Bayu Yudianala, S.E. (Investment Manager of Quant Capital Investama).
Ely began the session with "knowing yourself" material. In this session, the participants were asked to fill the questionnaire to assess their personality. The result of the self-assessment was being matched with the "DiSC Profile" which had been explained before. According to Ely, DiSC Profile consisted of character types as: Dominance, Influence, Submission, and Compliance. Ely continued the session by connecting the criteria mentioned with the criteria needed by the companies of the panelists. She highlighted that it is important to match the interest with job being applied.
After the lunch break, CV making coaching and interview training were the next agenda. In this second session, it is emphasized that in making CV, participants should match it with the job applied. Then, in the interview, participants need to show their confidence and ethics. In this training, participants were asked to sit in pairs to do the peer interview with the points arranged before. Afterwards, three selected participants were invited to exercise the interview with the panelists. Experts commented that the participants should improve the technical manner in interview before experiencing real work interview, so that it could generate maximum result.
Source: Acha/FEB