UGM Students Successfully Developed Portable Dental and Mouth Care Tools
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Saliva Ejector plays an important role in dental and mouth procedures so that saliva does not distrub the dentist's work of cavity treatment. For example, when tooth fillings are hollow, if saliva inundates the cavity and is not immediately removed, it can reduce the strength of the patching material.
Five Universitas Gadjah Mada students developed "Septadent" - Saliva Ejector Portable Dental Tools, a tool to support more practical high-mobility and dental care. The students are Nur Halimah Putri (Dentistry 2016), Fita Fathya Iriana (Dentistry 2017), Laura Yahdiyani (Management 2016), Adintaka Galih S (Physics Engineering 2015) and Yarabisa Yanuar (Mechanical Engineering 2014).
The idea of developing this tool comes from the problems of dentistry students on community services (KKN), when performing dental and oral care for patients in areas where there is less electricity and no dental chairs. In addition, existing products are now much more expensive (7 million rupiahs) and heavy that is less practical to carry around. In addition, existing technology has not been able to support destistry students who are on community service because the tool must be connected to electricity.
Septadent is designed from several components purchased separately, then assembled in packages. The components are vacuum pumps, vacuum bottles, infusion hoses, pneumatic screws, tooth suction and electronic circuit such as switch, cable, battery and led as battery indicator. Septadent is assembled in consideration to fulfill portable functions, battery life to meet minimum standards in dental care (2 hours), resistance comfortable in use. Septadent is equipped with a suction speed of 10 ml/sec. Septadent is also easy to be carried everywhere since the design is like a case.
"We compiled this septadent by considering all kinds of physical symptoms such as large input voltage, speed of suction and head height with bottles. This is done so septadent can function optimally like the current tool" said Adin.
In general, dental and oral health care equipment in hospital or clinic is one with dental chair. The tools that already exist in the market aren’t possible to use during community service because of its large dimensions, and heavy weight portable, then can be replaced by Septadent solution.
"It is expected that dentists, and dentistry students who is mobile remote areas do not have to worry to do doing dental treatment in places where electricity is inaccessible," said Fita.
Currently, this tool has been circulating in the market and can be obtained by ordering via IG: septadent.ugm, Fb: Septadent UGM and contact at 087812811151. It costs with price Rp799.000. The result of UGM student innovation is not just a new breakthrough to facilitate dentist performance during dental and oral care, the tool has also successfully obtained research grant and product development from Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education through PKM (Student Creativity Program) in Entrepreneurship 2018.
Source: Laura Yahdiyani