KAFEGAMA 1993 Gives Achievement Scholarships
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- Written by Salsabiila
- Category: News
- Hits: 1253

After 25 years, the alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM (KAFEGAMA) 1993 held a reunion event on 31 August - 1 September 2018. The reunion was a moment for meeting, sharing memories and let go of longing for lectures within alumni of 1993. On August 31, 2018, the alumni from each department conducted a Sharing Session about their experiences in college and work which was welcomed very enthusiastically by all active students of FEB UGM. Then, on September 1 2018, all alumni gathered in the evening event at the peak of the Silver Reunion Kafegama 1993. Each alumni from the Department of Management, Economics and Accounting gathered in a warm atmosphere accompanied by a variety of traditional foods and also live music from the band with 90s songs.
Not only rounded up in a happy atmosphere wrapped in longing, the alumni felt that their happiness must also be shared with other people around them. Kafegama 1993, through several coordinators of the reunion program, selected representatives of 2 active students from each department at FEB UGM who were outstanding, for the purpose of giving a scholarship to support their study at FEB UGM. It was directly handed over to each department representative on the eve of the Kafegama 1993 silver reunion.
"In total there are 6 students who get scholarships, each of them is 2 students from each department. Our hope is that this scholarship can be one of the motivations so that students can further improve their achievements and invite and embrace other students' friends to be able to perform well, "said Eko Suwardi, Ph.D. as Dean of FEB UGM, during the scholarship submission session. In addition to being symbolically handed over by the Dean of FEB UGM, the scholarship was also handed over by the KAFEGAMA 1993 representative to the student.
There were 6 outstanding students who received scholarships from KAFEGAMA 1993 namely Farra Amalia (Accounting 2017), Ahmad Fauzi (Accounting 2016), Fairuz Hasna (2016 Economics), Handoko (Economics 2015), Rocky S.P. Silalahi (Management 2016) and Salsabiila Astari (Management 2016).
Source : Salsabiila Astari Putri