AACSB Week 2018: Welcomes Reacreditation
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- Written by Azellia
- Category: News
- Hits: 1888

In the wake of AACSB re-accreditation that the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) will face in 2019, the Quality Assurance Unit along with the Ambassador for AACSB Visit 2019 team conducted AACSB Week 2018. The event was held on August 13-23 in order to prepare for the visit by the AACSB Peer Review Team (PRT) that is scheduled on February 2019 and to socialize the agenda towards the entire academic community of FEB UGM. AACSB Week 2018 had been an effective method to keep the entire FEB UGM community aware and actively participate in the AACSB accreditation process.
AACSB Week was a series of activities that aim to further spread the information regarding the FEB UGM’s mission statements and AACSB re-accreditation in 2019 while obtaining aspirations from the entire academic community to support continuous improvement conducted by FEB UGM. AACSB Week 2018 consisted of various agendas, namely dissemination on all FEB UGM campuses, AACSB booth held by the ambassadors, and various competitions with prizes of millions of rupiah. The competitions include photography, essays, videos with the theme “leadership”, as well as videos with the theme “engagement, innovation, and impact” in which many students and employees of FEB UGM participated.
The first dissemination program was held for the FEB UGM undergraduate program as well as the opening of the 2018 AACSB Week (13/8). The event began with a presentation on FEB UGM’s Continuous Improvement and AACSB Overview which was delivered directly by the Dean of FEB UGM, Eko Suwardi, Ph.D. After that, the explanation was continued by Suyanto, Ph.D. as Chairman of the FEB UGM Quality Assurance Unit regarding the new vision and mission of FEB UGM. The dissemination of undergraduate programs was carried out in the student hall and was attended by dozens of students who enthusiastically listened to the explanations from the speakers.
Dissemination sessions were also carried out for students of the Master and Doctoral Programs (MD) FEB UGM and also the Master of Management Program (MM) FEB UGM on August 14-16 2018. The dissemination sessions on MD FEB UGM were divided into three days with participants from the six study programs. The dissemination was held at the BRI Auditorium MD FEB UGM with Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono, Ph.D. for the Master of Science and Doctor in Accounting (14/8), then Prof. Catur Sugiyanto, Ph.D. and Eny Sulistyaningrum, Ph.D for Master of Science and Doctor in Economics (15/8), and Nurul Indarti, Sivilekonom, Cand. Merc, Ph.D. for the Master of Science and Doctor in Management (16/8).
In this dissemination session, socialization began with the delivery of learning goals and learning objectives to be achieved by the MD FEB UGM program. Learning goals and MD UGM learning objectives emphasize on students to have the ability to master knowledge that is communicated through research which later can contribute to all interested parties. Also explained was the three main pillars of AACSB, namely “engagement, innovation, and impact”, which are a reference for sustainable quality improvement of MD FEB UGM.
The dissemination session at MM UGM was held in the Sukadji Ranuwihadjo Auditorium which was attended by more than a hundred of MM FEB UGM students. The speaker at the MM FEB UGM dissemination session was the director, Dr. T. Hani Handoko, M.B.A., who opened the session by explaining the new vision and mission launched by FEB UGM and then continued with the five FEB UGM values, namely “integrity, professionalism, objectivity and fairness, academic freedom, and social concern”. After that, the explanation continued regarding the continuous quality improvement carried out by FEB UGM along with strategic management and innovation.
After going through a lot of activities, on August 23, 2018 AACSB Week finally came to an end. The closing of AACSB Week was held at the Djarum Foundation Auditorium, Pertamina Tower FEB UGM accompanied by the announcement of the winners of the competition. The prizes to the winners of each competition were handed over directly by Eko Suwardi, Ph.D. accompanied by Suyanto, Ph.D. The winners of AACSB Week 2018 competitions are listed as follows:
- 1st Winner: Wildan Sulchan Alfiyono (Accounting)
- 2nd Winner: Meilani Putri Utami (Master of Management)
- Favourite Winner: Rozy Ahimsyah Pratama (Master of Science in Economics)
- 1st Winner: Lufi Yuwana Mursita (Master of Science in Accounting)
- 2nd Winner: Ratih Nurhidayah (Librarian)
- Third Winner: Muhammad Roy Aziz Haryana (Doctor in Accounting)
"Leadership" video
- 1st Winner: Keak Wincis
- Muhammad Faiz Abdurrahman (Management)
- Naufalia Hasna Fadila (Management)
- Satya Lathifa Putra (Management)
- 2nd Winner: Accounting Future Leaders
- Elisabeth Risang P L (Accounting)
- Rosari Indah C (Accounting)
- Shienny F H (Accounting)
- Favourite Winner: The Twin Fighters
- Rizkiani Iskandar (Master of Science in Management)
- Rizkiana Iskandar (Master of Science in Accounting)
Video "Engagement, Innovation, Impact"
- 1st Winner: Trianz
- Muh. Ikhsan Alif S (Master of Science in Management)
- Rizkiana Iskandar (Master of Science in Accounting)
- Niry Queen Sari (Master of Science in Accounting)
- 2nd Winner: Proartsy
- Wildan Sulchan Alfiyono (Accounting)
- Novebian Saintiva Primadicta (Accounting)
- Favourite Winner: MSc Life
- Lufi Yuwana Mursita (Master of Science in Accounting)
- Aliffiana Nurhayati (Master of Science in Accounting)
- Wuryaningsih (Master of Science in Accounting)
FEB UGM is in the process of finalizing the Continuous Improvement Review (CIR) Report along with other preparations for the AACSB PRT’s visit in February 2019. Several ways to welcome the team from AACSB have been carried out as a form of FEB UGM’s commitment in maintaining the faculty’s continuously improving quality. Of course, all parties of FEB UGM need to actively support and engage in AACSB accreditation which will be determined in 2019.
Source: Azellia Alma Shafira (Ambassador for AACSB Visit 2019)