Commemorating the 63rd Anniversary, FEB UGM Holds Open Senate Meeting
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- Written by Andhika
- Category: News
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At the 63th Anniversary of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gajah Mada (FEB UGM) on 19th September, Open Senate Meetings and Scientific Oration of 2018 were held as one of the series events of Dies Natalis of FEB UGM. For the first time, Open Senate Meetings and Scientific Oration were held in the new building of FEB UGM, Auditorium of Learning Center Building. In this year, "Sinergi Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Tinggi" was chosen as a theme. The meeting was led by Prof. Marwan Asri, Ph.D. as Chairman of the Senate and accompanied with 26 other Professors of FEB UGM.
Gamelan was playing as the music processional while participant that wore a traditional clothes of Indonesia, enter the meeting room. As the mentioned before, this public meeting not only attended by senate members but also lectures, staffs, alumnis, and representatives students of FEB UGM. The meeting was officially opened with Chairman of the Senate’s speech. The next agenda was continued by Dean of FEB UGM’s annual report speech, Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D. During the annual report speech, it was presented the development of FEB UGM in various sectors, from academic, finance, infrastructure, research and development (R&D), and human resources.
"In this past year, we can see various infrastructure developments of FEB UGM. The construction of FEB UGM Learning Center Building that used for the Public Senate Meeting as an example," quoted from presentation of his report. In addition, he also conveyed how to implement the UGM’s tagline “Locally Rooted, Globally Respected” by conducting community service activities related to the economy and business in the form of training, mentoring, consultation, and field supervisors of Kuliah Kerja Nyata Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat at UGM (KKN PPM UGM). The annual report speech was closed with his appreciation to all levels of FEB UGM, ranging from the Chairman of Senate, lecturers, staffs, and all students.
The next agenda was the Scientific Oration of 2018 that presented by Prof. Lincolin Arsyad, Ph.D. with a theme "Institusi, Biaya Transaksi, dan Pembangunan Ekonomi." In his presentation, there were four points which became his oration focus. First is that institutions, for this current time, are an important part of economic development which was previously not considered as an institution as a determinant of economic growth. The second point is that the institution has the role of reducing uncertainty which will reduce transaction costs, especially “unofficial” costs such a bribes, gratuities, etc. so that the economy becomes more efficient. Third, the economic progress of developed countries and East Asia can’t be separated from institutional development in a comprehensive and consequent manner. And the last point, the institutions’s quality in Indonesia is still far behind, which is a homework for the government and academics to be immediately repaired.
Scientific oration was ended and applaused by all the participants of the Public Senate Meeting. The event closed with a pray led by Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, M.Acc., Ph.D. and finally three-time gavel hammered by Chairman of Senate as marked the closing of Public Senate Meeting. And very last agenda continued with take photos of all participants.
Sumber: Moh. Andhika Satria