The importance to discover passion as early as possible and the importance to be a creative individual
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- Written by Aditya
- Category: News
- Hits: 1764

Alumni Insight was held on 15th September 2018 in Auditorium Djarum Foundation, Pertamina Tower FEB UGM. This annual event, that is facilitated by external department of HIMIESPA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Ekonomi) FEB UGM, has invited distinguished alumni from Department of Economics FEB UGM to share their experience about their college life and skills involving their workplace. This year’s grand theme is “Survival kit: The Critical Juncture of Your Life” which addresses student’s nescience on how to determine their life goals in the future.
For this event, the committees have invited four speakers from three different job sectors; which comprises of banking sector, private sector and government sector. Moreover, the event was also split into two sessions. The speakers for the first session were Metta Dharmasaputra, CEO of Katadata and Merry Lylyana, Finance Director of PZ Cussons. Moderated by Titto Airlangga as student of Economics department batch 2015, the speakers talked about their passion, college life and strategy in workplace after graduation.
Furthermore, Metta Dharmasaputra also talked about his experience of working in Katadata, it is a company that he founded himself. He shared his experience of handling his own employees and emphasizes on how important it is to be a creative individual. It was then continued by Ms. Lylyana who also shared her insights about working in a multinational company such as PT. Unilever. The first session was soon closed after the sharing of meaningful insights. The next agenda was entertainment session music performance by “Naffia and Friends”, a group band comprising of Economics Students from batch 2015. After that, the agenda was continued with a mini session from the event’s sponsor, PT AXA Financial Indonesia.
After the mini session, the second session continued with different speakers on board. This time, the speaker were Didik Kusnaini, the Deputy Director of Mininstry of Finance Republic of Indonesia and Kresno Sediarsi, the President Director of Bank DKI who shared their two-cents of their life experience to the audience. The second session started with the sharing from Kresno Sediarsi during his study in UGM. Furthermore, Didik Kusnaini also explained that passion is a very important value in college life and workplace. After the insightful sharing session from both speakers, we saw the end of second session. Afterwards, the event was concluded with the distribution of door prize in the form of cash.
Source: Aditya Satria R.