FEB UGM increasing HR competency through training of staff
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- Written by Erma
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As many as 160 staff education representatives of the Faculty Administration Office, MM Study Program, MEP Study Program, MAKSI Study Program, MD Study Program, P2EB and Wisma MM FEB UGM attended Personal Grooming training held at the Auditorium of the Learning Center Building, FEB UGM on Tuesday, 6 November 2018.
The training was officially opened by the Dean of FEB UGM, Eko Suwardi, Ph.D., accompanied by the Head of the Faculty Administration Office FEB UGM, Agus Ridwan, SIP., MM. By presenting lecturers and resource persons, Pratiwi Damayanti (Director of Human Resources) and Agatha Paskalin (Assistant Manager Human Resources) from Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta.
In his remarks, the Dean of FEB UGM explained, in an era like this it was necessary to prepare Human Resources (HR). "Training like this is vital for improving HR competencies, especially at FEB UGM, to answer the challenges and demands in the future, professional services must continue to be developed."
During the training, Pratiwi provided material on procedures for dress and professional appearance, communication ethics, and other social skills. According to Pratiwi, it is hoped that there will be improvements in appearance, ways to communicate and behave professionally through the current training. Through this training, participants must be able to apply and practice the knowledge that has been obtained during the exercise.
Agus added, "This kind of training will continue to be developed by the HR department of FEB UGM, not only the personal grooming that we have done, on Tuesday, 30 October 2018 and Wednesday, 31 October 2018 we sent representatives of education staff to follow the table manner and the cleaning service coordinator and garden staff learned about cleanliness and garden management at the Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta ". It is expected that after the training held will be able to increase the staffs’ competence, knowledge and more skilled and able to apply in their work units.
Source: Erma Wheni Hertuti