UGM Students Win XFest Case Competition 2016
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 2818

Three Accounting students of UGM, namely Nisrina Adelia Roselenny (Accounting 2013), Resa Masela Khairunnisa (Accounting 2013), and Rahadian Irfan Istiarto (Accounting 2014) managed to become champions in XFest Case Competition 2016 held by BCA and Marketeers. XFest 2016 was conducted in two places; in Jakarta from October 12-15, 2016 and in Malang from October 26-28, 2016, UGM team made it to the final stage in Malang. In the race they were asked to complete and provide solutions for BCA e-wallet application products or My pockets.
Before they were invited to attend the final round in Malang, the participants of XFest 2016 were asked to send a written solution of My pockets product. From that round 10 best teams were selected to attend the final round in Malang. On the first day of the finals, each team was asked to present a proposal they had submitted earlier. After carrying out the presentation, each team will be evaluated and receive feedback from the judges. On the same day, the team also get a mystery case to be solved and the case was presented on the second day of the finals.
"Mystery case is more challenging and requires us to be extremely detailed in addressing the problem on one of the features in My pockets," said Nisrina, Tuesday (8/11).
Of the 10 teams that qualify for the final round, five teams passed for a presentation on the third day. The five teams were selected: two teams from UGM, the three other teams from the University of Diponegoro, Universitas Brawijaya, and STIEBBANK. On the last day of the final five teams presented the solution for My Pocket’s Challenge in the future. Finally, after going through a process of intense competition the three students of the Faculty became the first champion in the competition.
"We were delighted to complete the presentation well and at the end of our event were declared as the winner in 2016 at Xfest Case Competition," said Nisrina.
In addition, Nisrina added that during the three days of competition, many lessons were learned mainly in critical thinking and being creative in a very limited time.
Responding to this achievement, Mahfud Sholihin, M.Acc., Ph.D., as Chairman of the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, was pleased and proud of the achievement of their students. Sholihin Mahfud added that this achievement is one result of continuous improvement efforts that have been made by the Department of Accounting, primarily related to soft skills, especially critical thinking and creativity.
"On behalf of the Department of Accounting, we would like to thank all those who support the improvement of the soft skill program to produce achievements of the students," said Mahfud.