Celebrating the 64th Anniversary, FEB UGM Holds a Tourism Supply Chain Seminar
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The Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) holds a Seminar on Tourism Supply Chain Management: Harnessing Supply and Value Chain for Tourism Industry in Indonesia. This seminar completes the 64th FEB UGM Anniversary. Why does the theme of this seminar link tourism with the supply chain? Because in the tourism sector, Indonesia has abundant attractions and has a following impact both forward linkage and backward linkage in other industries including transportation, hospitality, culinary, agriculture, education, creative industries, crafts, performing arts, art galleries, and so on. All of these need to be connected to one another.
The event, which was held at the Sukadji Ranuwihardjo Auditorium, was attended by Budi Karya Sumadi (Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia) and Ganjar Pranowo (Governor of Central Java Province) as the keynote speaker. In his remarks Dr. Eko Suwardi Ph.D. (Dean of FEB UGM) said that FEB UGM was very open with developments. "The contribution of universities in realizing superior Indonesian human resources is a must. FEB UGM seeks to provide value added for Indonesia, especially in the field of tourism," said Eko Suwardi.
Managing, developing, and optimizing the supply chain is expected to create economic value and public welfare. Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta, should be able to take a significant portion of the Global Value Chain (GVC) through the tourism industry and its supporting industries. Ganjar Pranowo said that the development of the tourism industry would not be successful without the development of transportation, supporting facilities, and story telling of these attractions. "We have a lot of tourism industry but there is no story telling that hits for visitors," said the Governor of Central Java Province.
Currently the Government is building 10 new leading tourist destinations that are equivalent to Bali. With this program it is expected that the wider community has many choices in determining tourist destinations, ultimately it is expected to improve the Indonesian economy. "Behind the boost of the tourism industry, there is also an acceleration of infrastructure development, all must be well connected," said Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia.
In line with this, the Special Staff for Economic Affairs and Transportation Investment of the Ministry of Transportation, Prof. Wihana Kirana Jaya said that Indonesia needs the support of academics for research and studies in the field of tourism. "Tourism has a big impact in the fields of transportation, culinary, social culture and so on. It needs integrated research as input for the Government so that tourism management in Indonesia becomes better," said the man who also served as Dean of the FEB UGM.
Responding to these dynamics, FEB UGM prepares superior human resources for various fields/ industries in question and wants to make FEB UGM a center for research and business development in the related industrial sector. On this occasion the Dean of the Logistics Management and Supply Chain Study Center was also inaugurated, witnessed by the UGM Rectorate, the Ministry of Transportation, the Governor of Central Java Province, and guests. Research and development in this field are multidisciplinary, not only involving the Department of Management, Economics, and Accounting, but also collaborating with various faculties and institutions.
The seminar consisted of two panel sessions. The first session, the panelists consisted of Deputy Business, Energy, Logistics, Regions and Tourism Ministry of SOEs; President Director of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV; Managing Director of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III, Foreign Affairs Indonesian Logistics and Foward Association.
The second session, the panelists consisted of PT Angkasa Pura I VP Planning and Transportation; Special Staff of the Ministry of Transportation; President Commissioner of PT Jasa Marga; TWC Managing Director; Observer of Logistics Management at UGM.
Source: FEB Public Relations