ANU Indonesia Project and FEB UGM Hold Mubyarto Public Policy Forum
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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) cooperation with the Australian National University (ANU) – Indonesia Project held policy discussion forum titled “Mubyarto Public Policy Forum”. The event which was attended by more than 150 participants (lecturers, bureaucrats/officials, practitioners, bankers, NGOs and students), was held on 10 May 2017 in Kertanegara Room, FEB UGM. The public lecture is an annual event dedicated for Professor Mubyarto, an economist from UGM who had interest in rural economics.
The first session of the event was Mubyarto Panel. Prof. Boediono, Ph. D (Indonesian Vice President 2009-2014) attended the session along with 3 others FEB UGM’s lecturers and ANU-Indonesia Project; Prof. Gunawan Sumodiningrat, Elan Satriawan, Ph. D, and Prof. Budy P. Resosudarmo.
The keynote speech presented by Prof. Boediono highlighted some several things related to equity in development. In his presentation Prof. Boediono concluded that the success of equality in development depended on whether or not the central government, through its institutions, could interfere effectively. In the higher phase, the strategy could not be neglected. It even would give benefit since the interconnected among development dimension, especially equality in stability and development.
In the second session, Mohammad Chatib Basri, Ph. D presented Indonesian economy and India after 2013. Some notes was when the capital is increased, it could appreciate the rate exchange and gave effect to current account deficit. The height of current account deficit will will make the economy vulnerable if the expenditure depends on the foreign direct investment which only focused on domestic market.
The presentations delivered by the speakers had been completing each other respectively. It was enriched our knowledge in Indonesian economy. The more tight the challenge and competition of economy would remind participants to keep in mind the importance of social economy as it once championed by Prof. Mubyarto.
Source: Ika/FEB