Commemorating the 66th Anniversary, FEB UGM Holds Open Senate Meeting 2021
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- Written by Sony
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On Monday (20/9/2021) the Faculty Senate held the 2021 Open Senate Meeting as a series of peak events in commemoration of the 6th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM). The 2021 Open Senate Meeting took the theme "Increasing synergy and empathy and strengthening solidarity during the pandemic". This event was held offline and online through Zoom Meetings and live broadcast via YouTube channel of Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UGM, and was attended by the Chair and Secretary of the Senate, Deans, Lecturers, students, education staff, and alumni of FEB UGM.
Prof. Ainun Naim, Chair of the Senate of FEB UGM opened and chaired the 2021 Open Senate Meeting. "As an agenda to commemorate the 66th anniversary of FEB, the faculty senate will hold an Senate Open Meeting in 2021. Thank you for increasing our enthusiasm to carry out FEB UGM's mission, enthusiasm show our commitment to FEB UGM to contribute to the development of the nation and state," said Ainun.
The event continued with the Dean's Annual Report Speech by the Dean of FEB UGM, Eko Suwardi, PhD. Eko delivered a report on the achievements of the faculty over the past year.
"FEB UGM has entered its 66th year. During that time, FEB UGM has devoted itself to the development of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in the fields of economics and business. A long journey full of struggles to get to the stage we have reached today," said Eko.
"We have faced challenge after challenge together. We have taken advantage of the opportunities that exist. We do all of that for the sake of the success and sustainability of this institution in serving and giving its best contribution to produce leaders now and in the future," he added.
Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng, Chancellor of UGM also expressed his hope on behalf of UGM and personally that FEB UGM would be more advanced and victorious. Panut also thanked the FEB UGM academic community for their extraordinary dedication in the business world.
The next speech was delivered by the Governor of Bank Indonesia, Chairperson of KAFEGAMA and also alumni of FEB UGM in 1982, Perry Warjiyo SE, MSc, Ph.D.
"Thank you to all Lecturers, the Academic Community of FEB UGM who have provided knowledge and provisions for myself to pursue a career, and finally trusted to hold the mandate of the governor of Bank Indonesia," said Perry.
Not to forget, Perry conveyed three important messages to UGM students. According to Perry, students need to aspire as high as possible, make plans and targets to achieve those goals. Second, students need to make the best use of their studies at FEB UGM, and finally maintain a relationship with God, because success is also determined by the Grace of God Almighty.
The next event was a Scientific Oration delivered by Prof. Dr. Sri Adiningsih, M.Sc. with the theme "Utilizing Digitalization for Economic Recovery and Awakening." In the oration delivered by one of the professors of FEB UGM, there were points conveyed related to challenges and preparations to face the new world in the future, namely utilizing economic digitalization wisely in recovery and revival. Indonesian economy.
"Economic digitalization has disrupted the economy and the business world, but the benefits are also great, especially for a large archipelagic country like Indonesia because it is more flexible in space and time. We can see that the production of goods and/or services can be done and sold from anywhere, anytime, as long as there is internet and other supporting infrastructure. Thus, it has the potential to increase the distribution of welfare," said Sri.
The digital transformation that developed during the pandemic will still develop in the world, also in Asia when post-pandemic , so that in the future Indonesia will face big challenges in developing its digital economy. According to Sri, Indonesia's digital competitiveness is still low, still inferior to neighboring countries. Therefore, the development of an integrated Digital Special Economic Zone from research, start-up development, as well as industrial development, services and investment services supporting digitalization or the Industrial Revolution 4.0 must be facilitated. Likewise, the development of supporting infrastructure such as electricity and internet that is equitable, quality and competitive is the main thing in increasing digital competitiveness and developing a digital economy. In addition, reforming institutions by aligning various anticipatory regulations and accommodating the security needed in the digital era.
The 2021 Open Senate Meeting ended with the chanting prayers and cutting of Tumpeng as a celebration of the 66th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Reportage: Sony Budiarso/Kirana Lalita Pristy