Increasing Civitas Awareness of Sexual Violence in FEB UGM
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- Written by Zahra
- Category: News
- Hits: 1237

FEBInvinity is back with the topic Everyone Cares, Everyone Protects to Become a Faculty Suited for the Entire Community, centered on the handling and preventing of acts of sexual violence on campus for the FEB UGM community. The event was held again on Friday (03/06) to increase awareness related to sexual violence, including stigma surrounding sexual violence and how to aid victims of sexual violence from a psychological standpoint.
Ms. Lucia Peppy Novianti, M.Psi., a psychologist and the founder and CEO of Wiloka Workshop, was invited to share her insights regarding the prevention, treatment, and stigma of sexual violence. Not only that, but Mrs. Lucia Peppy also has a BNSP certification in Forensic Psychology. The event was guided by Mrs. Fitri Amalia, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., an Accounting Lecturer at FEB UGM, and the Head of the Academic Production House.
Mrs. Lucia Peppy said that sexual violence cases that have occurred so far have been based off the socio-economic or religious status of the either the perpetrators nor the victims. This case has two challenges in handling. The first challenge would be related to victim recovery and settlement of cases, and the second challenge comes from how to resolve the case based on existing regulations.
In resolving cases of sexual violence, it is necessary to look at it from the perspectives of both the perpetrator and the victim. Often, perpetrators normalize actions of sexual violence toward victims, while victims would clearly consider this an inconvenience for themselves. In situations of unresolved cases of sexual violence, there may often be an impact on the victim’s psychological condition. Therefore, it is very crucial to handle and resolve existing cases.
Meanwhile, from the perpetrator's perspective, the motives that encourage perpetrators to commit sexual violence are usually related to mental health, such as their habits or daily life activities.
Mrs. Lucia Peppy also explained that the social stigma toward cases of sexual violence is still very common in society. Social sanctions that are usually encountered are in the form of ostracism toward the victim by the local community which can make them feel afraid to speak the truth and get help in solving the case of sexual violence in which they have been made the vicim by the perpretrator.
In dealing with cases of sexual violence, several things need to be considered. First would bethe emergency response. Parties involved in resolving the case should check the physical and mental condition of the victim as a result of the case. Second, help must be given toward the victim to help them process the emotional tension they may be dealing with. Third, helping to process cases further into the legal realm or not, and finally assisting victims.
Meanwhile, in the campus environment, Ms. Lucia Peppy said that building a system or rule on paper was the right response. This needs to be accompanied by the correct education and literacy in the academic community. Not only that, but the role of the peer counselor is also important to help victims to channel their emotions.
Reportage: Zahra Dian