FEB UGM Launches Psychological Counseling Service for Faculty Members and Professional Staff
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- Written by Kurnia
- Category: News
- Hits: 213

The Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) has launched a psychological counseling service for faculty members and professional staff. Under the Career and Student Development Unit (CSDU), this service has been developed as part of FEB UGM's commitment to supporting mental health and promoting the well-being of its academic community. The initiative aligns with the theme of World Mental Health Day 2024, with the theme of Mental Health at Work.
Previously, psychological counseling services were only available to students. However, FEB UGM has expanded these services to include faculty and professional staff.
Vice Dean of Finance, Assets, and Human Resources at FEB UGM, Suyanto, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D., stated that providing psychological consultation services for lecturers and professional staff is a form of FEB UGM's commitment to supporting UGM's Health Promoting University (HPU) program in creating a well-being campus system.
“This initiative is a concrete step in realizing a healthier campus and supporting the mental health of the entire academic community at FEB UGM, including lecturers and professional staff,” he explained on Tuesday (8/10/2024) at FEB UGM.
The service also supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3, which focuses on good health and well-being. This effort reflects FEB UGM’s commitment to creating a harmonious and inclusive campus environment in line with its mission to become a sustainable campus.
“With this psychological consultation service, we hope to create an overall healthy campus ecosystem,” he added.
Arizona Mustikarini, Ph.D., Head of CSDU UGM, explained that opening psychological services to faculty members and professional staff aims to provide comprehensive psychological support to the entire FEB UGM academic community. This effort is expected to create a healthier and more inclusive campus environment for all faculty members.
"We believe that good mental health is the foundation for productivity and academic success," she said.
Through this service, faculty members and professional staff can access free consultations on work-related issues, help maintain work-life balance, build resilience in the face of challenges, and reduce the negative impact of stress. Several factors affect the mental health of faculty and professional staff, including burnout, less effective stress management, relationships with colleagues, and family issues.
"Through counseling, faculty and professional staff are expected to regulate themselves better. When their mental health is well maintained, they can provide optimal student services," she explained.
Experienced professional psychologists provide this psychological counseling service and are committed to maintaining confidentiality and ensuring individual comfort. Faculty and professional staff interested in accessing this service can register by contacting the CSDU Psychology Team via WhatsApp at 08112843884. Once registered, users will be asked to complete an informed consent form and undergo an initial assessment before scheduling a consultation session.
Arizona added that this service is also expected to foster a culture of mental health awareness in the academic environment of FEB UGM. In addition, the availability of this service can improve the quality of life and performance of all faculty members.
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
Sustainable Development Goals