BILA FEB Provides Study Grants for Thesis Completion
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- Written by Shofi
- Category: News
- Hits: 148

Bina Ikatan Lapan Dua (BILA), an organization of the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA) Class of 1982, once again demonstrates its commitment to supporting education at FEB UGM. This commitment was realized by providing a study grant to final-year undergraduate students, held on Monday, October 7, 2024, at the Alumni Hall of FEB UGM.
The grant was given to five FEB UGM students to help them complete their final papers or theses. BILA provides study assistance of IDR 1,000,000 per student monthly for one year.
The study assistance was given to Estti Purwijayani (Accounting 2018), Dina Utami (Economics 2020), Doni Dzaki Taufiqurrahman (Management 2020), Via Permatasari (Management 2020), and Abraham Mathofano (Management 2018).
FEB UGM Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Bayu Sutikno, S.E., M.S.M., Ph.D., expressed his gratitude to BILA FEB UGM for supporting learning activities at FEB UGM, including the provision of study assistance for students to complete their theses.
"Thank you to BILA for providing support for the students' studies. Previously, BILA has also contributed significantly to developing the faculty and students' academic journeys," he said on Monday (7/10).
Bayu also encouraged the recipients to remain enthusiastic in pursuing their dreams. He also hoped that after graduation, the students would contribute to society, the nation, and the state and bring pride to their alma mater.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of BILA, Dr. Hargo Utomo, M.B.A., expressed his hope that this study grant for thesis completion would inspire the students to complete their theses with tremendous enthusiasm. He also hoped that in the future, the scholarship recipients would pass on this kindness to future generations.
"Thesis is indeed challenging. It's a time filled with solitude, doing everything alone, and often feeling sad when one sees friends making progress. I believe that this study grant will multiply your enthusiasm many times over. I hope you will continue to spread happiness to the younger generation. Keep up the spirit," Hargo said.
On this occasion, BILA representatives Drs. Purnawan Hardiyanto, M.Ec.Dev, Prof. Indra Wijaya Kusuma, M.B.A., Ph.D., Gugup Kismono, M.B.A., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Catur Sugiyanto, M.A., and Dr. Rudy Badrudin, M.Si. They shared encouraging messages with the students to stay motivated to complete their theses and strengthen their soft skills to prepare for the corporate world.
One of the study grant recipients, Doni Dzaki Taufiqurrahman, expressed his excitement upon receiving the grant. He explained that the assistance would greatly benefit his thesis research.
"I am thrilled to receive this scholarship as it will support my thesis. I hope it will benefit me and others, and in the future, it can also help our juniors who need this kind of scholarship," said the management student.
Dina Utami, a student in the Economics class of 2020, shared a similar sentiment. She expressed her excitement about being selected as a study grant recipient. She never imagined receiving such a grant to complete her thesis.
"This kind of grant is beneficial because most grants are usually given to active students, especially freshmen, and not to seniors. So this is helpful," she said.
Meanwhile, Estti Purwijayani, an accounting student from the class of 2018, hopes that tuition assistance for thesis completion will continue as this will help more students complete their studies.
Reporter: Shofi Hawa Anjani
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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