Woosong University Visits FEB UGM
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- Written by Merisa
- Category: News
- Hits: 1853

On Thursday (09/06) and Friday (10/06), the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM had guests from Woosong University, located in Daejeon, South Korea. The guests were Prof. Yoo-Taek Lee the Dean, Prof. Sang-Han Kim as the University Director, and Professor Yong-Hwa Jeong as the Head of the Strategy Planning Department. The purpose of this visit was to show and offer a new design related to the degree program, which has been carried out online for 2 years he can then continue his studies at universities that have collaborated in the program.
The presentation related to Woosong University's new program was held in the Kertanegara FEB UGM Meeting Room and was attended by teaching staff (lecturers) and educational staff, including the Vice Dean for Finance, Assets and Human Resources; Head of the International Affairs Office; AUN-BE Secretariat and Public Relations; Deputy Head of International Affairs Office, AUN-BE Secretariat, and Public Relations, and many more. The meeting was held in the form of a two-way discussion between Woosong University and Universitas Gadjah Mada.
In his presentation, he introduced the platform used in his program, namely the HADI program. This program aims to cultivate students' talents to achieve a successful life in the future through action-based and team-based learning. By 2021, this program has collaborated with more than 150 universities in 100 countries with more than 8,000 students. Through the HADI platform, students are facilitated to choose a university and find information on their own. There is an option to join the program, namely the standard by carrying out two years of education at a cooperating university and two years online as well as a 4-year hybrid program.
Guests from Woosong University were also invited to tour around the FEB campus. The places visited were Classrooms, the FEB Library, the Student Lounge, the Laboratory, Sapta Akasa, MM FEB UGM, and all the way to Kinanti Residence. Guests are invited to see and feel the atmosphere of the environment on the Gadjah Mada University campus so that they get a real experience.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini