FEB UGM Cycling Around Yogyakarta with KAFEGAMA
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: News
- Hits: 1225

Cycling on Sunday mornings has become a fun activity to do after a long week. Work routinities being done everyday can lead to the arisal of feelings of boredom and fatigue. To release boredom, KAFEGAMA DIY carried out a joint cycling activity on Sunday (12/06) with a meeting point at the Main Entrance of FEB UGM. The participants had gathered since early morning and the cycling itself began at 06.30 WIB. This cycling event was attended by the Dean of FEB UGM, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., CA., teaching staff (lecturers), educational staff, and alumni from various generations.
The chosen route started from the gathering point at FEB UGM, east of the UGM roundabout, Afandi Street (Gejayan), Mataram Ditch, Monjali Street, Tugu Yogyakarta, Malioboro, Kotabaru, and stopped in front of the FEB UGM Deans’ Building. Participants also took the time to stop and gather at Point Zero of Yogyakarta to capture the moment. After that, the participants returned to FEB UGM campus to have breakfast with the food that had been provided.
In this cycling event, there were door prizes sponsored by various parties. Among them were Bank Indonesia (BI), OJK DIY, Bank BNI, Alana Hotel Yogyakarta, FEB UGM, KAFEGAMA, and other parties. The main prize at the event was a refrigerator sponsored by Bank BNI. At the end, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., CA. thanked the alumni of FEB UGM, the academic community of FEB UGM, and sponsors who have helped make this event a success. Prof. Didi also said that the event went smoothly without any problems. He also felt very happy to be able to stay in touch again in person and in very good conditions.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini