Opening Ceremony of I-WEEK 2022
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- Written by Merisa
- Category: News
- Hits: 1396

On Monday (27/06), the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM held the opening ceremony of Summer Course International Week (I-WEEK) 2022 with the theme "Post-Pandemic Rebuild and Recovery: Entrepreneurship Survival, Business Resilience, and wellbeing Economics.” This event was done on a hybrid basis, offline on the eighth floor of the Learning Center at FEB UGM and online through Zoom Meetings. I-Week is an annual event organized by FEB UGM as a form of short-term learning in the summer. The series of I-WEEK events start from 27 June-8 July 2022. For I-WEEK 2022, FEB UGM collaborated with the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences (FMIPA) of UGM and the Faculty of Psychology of UGM.
The event was opened with a speech given by Prof. Didi Achdjari M.Com., Ak., CA as the Dean of FEB UGM. He stated that the I-WEEK participants came from various countries, namely the Philippines, Japan, China, India, Egypt, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, and New Zealand. Speakers who will later provide material will also vary, namely from the Asian Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, University Of Southampton, Colorado State University, Orsay University, Pre-Employment Cards, and Lazada who will provide new knowledge to the participants. He also thanked all parties who helped prepare the I-WEEK 2022 event so that it could be carried out properly. To open the I-WEEK 2022 event, Didi sounded the gong as a sign that the event had officially opened.
Meanwhile, Dr. Rijadh Djatu Winardi, SE, Ak., M.Sc., CFE as the Chief Executive of I-WEEK 2022 said that I-WEEK is one of the most important agendas of FEB UGM. Covid-19, which has occurred for two years, has brought many changes to various aspects. He said, with I-WEEK, we can discuss current issues that occurred after the Covid-19 pandemic through immersion activities. Finally, Rijadh welcomed all participants and hoped that participants can enjoy I-WEEK 2022 activities.
Furthermore, there was also an appearance from UKM SWAGAYUGAMA (Yogyakarta Style Student Activity Unit, Universitas Gadjah Mada) at the opening of I-WEEK 2022. The golek ayun-ayun dance that was performed originated from Yogyakarta and carries a meaning of finding one’s identity whilst growing up. The dance was also the closing act for the opening ceremony for the I-WEEK 2022
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini