KAFEGAMA Held Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition 2022
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- Written by Merisa
- Category: News
- Hits: 901

The Alumni Family of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA) held the Gajah Mada Business Case Competition (GAMABCC) with the theme "Innovation and Sustainability in Agribusiness." GAMABCC is an annual event organized by KAFEGAMA and this year was held in collaboration with PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT). A series of GAMABCC activities will take place from 21 June to 22 July 2022 and will be carried out online through Zoom Meetings. Participants who registered for GAMABCC were 145 undergraduate students and 44 master's students with a total appreciation of Rp.113,000,000.00.
The event opened with a speech given by Prof. Didi Achjari M.Com., Ak., CA as the Dean of FEB UGM. In his opening remarks, Didi hoped that this competition would become a place for creative ideas to emerge in the agribusiness sector and a place for the development of aspiring entrepreneurs in the agribusiness sector. In addition, this activity is expected to produce innovative and creative business leaders in the digital era. Didi also hopes that with this competition, students will be able to provide solutions to real problems in the community through the given real cases. Finally, he wished good competition and achievement to all participants of the 2022 GAMABCC.
Meanwhile, Dr.Perry Warjiyo, SE, M.Sc., Ph.D. as General Chairperson of PP KAFEGAMA and Governor of Bank Indonesia explained that GAMA BCC is an annual event held by KAFEGAMA. With the GAMABCC, Perry hopes that students can develop innovative business models, strengthening the supply chain. In addition, participants are also expected to develop their leadership skills so that they can become national leaders and become successful entrepreneurs.
Rahmad Pribadi, BBA, MPA as President Director of PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT), also explained related to the products produced by Pupuk Kaltim, market distribution, strategies carried out, to the problems experienced. He also stated that this fertilizer from East Kalimantan encourages agricultural productivity to achieve community welfare. Finally, Andrew Yeremia Tobing, COO of PT CROWDE Building the Nation, explained that from 2016-2021, he has worked with more than 38,000 farmers to increase 150% of farmers' income. Andrew hopes that his fellow participants can give their best in the business case competitions.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini