Commencing Face-to-Face Learning of Orkestra FEB UGM 2022
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- Written by FEB UGM
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Pertamina Tower, Learning Center, Plaza, and the entire infrastructure of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) became the venue for a series of Student Integrated Curriculum Orientation (Orkestra) for FEB UGM students from Undergraduate Program batch 2020 and 2021 on Tuesday (26/7) and Wednesday (27/7). Orkestra aims to introduce the academic environment and facilities of the FEB UGM campus to 2020 and 2021 students who have conducted online lectures and will explore offline lectures. Orkestra was organized by FEB UGM assisted by committee members selected from 2018 FEB students.
Orkestra began with the gathering of FEB UGM 2020 and 2021 students in an open space in front of the Pertamina Tower. Then the MC opened the event and invited the Dean of FEB UGM, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., CA. to welcome FEB UGM 2020 and 2021 students. Prof. Didi told Orkestra stating that the students have now officially become members of FEB UGM after two years of conducting fully online classes. Prof. Didi also gave his appreciation to the Orkestra committee and to the three FEB UGM students who won GAMABCC. Then Orkestra officially opened with the beating of the gong in the glass lobby of FEB UGM, accompanied by loud applause from the FEB UGM academic community.
Then, the Orkestra committee directed students to FEB’s plaza to listen to a sharing session on International Exposure and the Merdeka Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) internship program by four speakers. The first source person was Luluk Lusiantoro, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. as the head of the Global Relations and Mobility Office (GREAT) FEB UGM. Luluk explained comprehensively the functions and services provided by GREAT to FEB UGM students. Then, Luluk explained the types of international exposure that students can take, for example, the student exchange program, iWeek, Global Summerweek, dual degree, and Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA), as well as the benefits and tips for registering an international exposure program. available. Ignatia Kartika (Accounting 2018) as the second source person is an awardee for the IISMA program at the University of York. Ignatia Kartika, often called Tika, tells of her journey from registering for IISMA to the valuable lessons she learned during her academic period at the University of York. Not to forget, Tika explained to FEB 2020 students about the things that need to be prepared if they are interested in joining the IISMA program.
Then, the third source person, Rayhan Sjuhada (Management 2018) explained his experience as an MBKM apprentice at Telkom Indonesia. Rayhan delved deeply into the application process and the lessons he learned during his internship at Telkom Indonesia. During the internship, according to his whole internship period, he learned 10% soft skills, 30% data analytics, and 60% marketing. Rayhan believes that the internship program is an opportunity to integrate lessons during lectures with real situations in the professional world. Finally, Aning Era Reformasi, often called Ivo (Economics, 2018) retells her valuable experience while conducting independent studies at the Partnership and Promo at Bank BRI. Ivo explained the many benefits and lessons he got during his internship at Bank BRI, for example mentoring, lessons on business partnerships, coordination with colleagues and supervisors, and many more. The sharing session ended with a question and answer session.
On the second day, the 2021 FEB UGM students received material in a sharing session brought by Ferdian Firmansyah, a 2018 FEB UGM student. He shared his experiences about his life as a research assistant at FEB UGM. Ferdian invites 2021 students to take part in useful activities and try new things that have positive values. Furthermore, the sharing session was continued by Muhammad Farhan as a 2018 FEB UGM Management Study Program student who also served as Student President (Presma) BEM KM for the 2021 period. During the session, Farhan shared stories about his life while studying at FEB UGM who also held the position as Presma. He emphasizes good time management so that academic and non-academic life can run in balance.
The Orkestra series continued with an academic session, specifically explaining the academic side of the three study programs at FEB UGM. At the FEB’s plaza, 2020 Accounting students listened to academic presentations from the Chair and Secretary of the Accounting Study Program, Choirunnisa Arifa, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., Ak., CA., and Vogy Gautama Buanaputra, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., AFHEA. In the corridor of the Learning Center FEB UGM, Management 2020 students listened to an academic presentation from the Head of the Management Study Program, I Wayan Nuka Lantara, M.Sc., Ph.D. While in the audio-visual room, Economics 2020 students listened to academic presentations from the Chair and Secretary of the Economics Study Program, Sekar Utami Setiastuti, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., and Muhammad Ryan Sanjaya S.E., M.Int.Dev.Ec., Ph.D. The academic session ended and continued with a presentation session on mental health and anti-sexual violence.
Orkestra continued with the Tour De Faculty, which was an explanation of the location and facilities of FEB UGM to FEB 2020 and 2021 students guided by the Orkestra committee. The end of the Tour De Faculty was followed by a games session which was enthusiastically welcomed by FEB 2020 students. Orkestra series came to the end of the event, namely awarding. Then the MC closed the Orkestra series on the first day of FEB UGM, followed by a lively photo session for FEB 2020 and 2021 students.
Reportage: Hayfaza Nayottama and Merisa Anggraini