This Time for Simfoni 2022!
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- Written by Hayfaza
- Category: News
- Hits: 1231

Do you still remember that Simfoni was opened for us Gamada
Do you still remember the memories of laughter when we were together
On FEB our home
New sheets for students
We'll see you tomorrow.
Lagu Pulang (Coming Home Song), modified by Virginia Monica (Management 2021) from the song Tujuh Belas (Seventeen) by Tulus
Lively laughter of euphoria and tears of joy over the memories accompanies the completion of the Successful Learner Training for New Students - Successful Training of Learning for UGM Freshmen (PPSMB Simfoni) 2022. Two days full of insight, meaning, and stories are the expressions that flooded Gadjah Mada Muda (Gamada)'s Instagram story and the 2022 PPSMB Simfoni committee. After two years of being online, this year's PPSMB Simfoni has been run successfully offline on 3-4 August 2022 at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM). In the PPSMB UGM series of events, PPSMB Simfoni carries out its duties as a faculty-level PPSMB for FEB. PPSMB Simfoni 2022 has the theme "Igniting the Fire of Integrity and Humanity within the Successors of Nusantara".
The first day began with remarks by the Dean of FEB UGM Prof., Dr. Didi Achjari M.Com.Ak., CA and CEO of Simfoni FEB UGM, Akbar Rahul Muafan (Management 2020). The event continued with the symbolic opening of the PPSMB Simfoni with the insertion of four Punakawan puppets representing the four values of the Simfoni. Simfoni continued with the presentation of FEB's by the Vice Deans of FEB UGM. In between sessions, there are four Quotes Of The Day (QOTD) dramas in which stories contain PPSMB Simfoni values. Simfoni continued with Tour De Faculty (TDF) and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). In the TDF session, Gamada was invited to tour the FEB campus while being given an explanation by the guide regarding the use of rooms and facilities at FEB. While in the FGD session, Gamada was given a case study and guided to discuss the best solution for the case study in order to train Gamada's critical thinking and analysis.The event was continued by an Academic session presented by Wieda Herdiana S.S., M. Sc. from Akademik, Ika Krisnadewi, S. Psi from the Student Wellness and Personal Development Center (SWaPDC) and Maryatun, S.E., M.A. from FEB UGM Library. At the end of the day, Cultural Arts was held. Gamada are guided by the Wukirsari Tourism Village to paint and decorate the Wayangs in order to foster Indonesia’s culture.
The second day began with the introduction of the Student Association of Departments and Student Institutions (HMJLK) in the common area of the Learning Center FEB UGM. Gamada was freed to explore HMJLK booths according to their interests and talents. PPSMB Simfoni was followed by an inspiring alumni session, namely material presentation by prominent alumni from three majors at FEB UGM: Ulayya Gempur Tirani (Accounting 2014), Andre Benito (Management 2015), and Historya Ardiyanti (Economics 2014). The three inspirational alumni discussed their valuable experiences during college ranging from academics, organizations, to entrepreneurship, as well as how leadership and integrity were able to lead them to professional success. The next series of events is the preparation and presentation of business development. In the business development session, Gamada collaborated with their groups to create a business poster based on the best business model canvas (BMC) in one group. The posters are then presented together to the 'investors' who financed the businesses at a rate worthy of their valuation of the businesses of each group.
The funds that the group received in the business development session were then used in the Simonofonia session. Simonofonia is a market simulation in QOTD's peak drama. At Simonofonia, Gamada showed their creativity in making weapons that would be used in the war between the natives against the corrupt bupati. This session was filled with boisterous noise from the Gamada who were creative in sculpting various unique weapons. After Simonofonia, PPSMB Simfoni ended with a supporters' session with Econolympus. Supporters were accompanied by singing and chants of FEB UGM as well as enthusiastic jumps and choreography. After the supporters, Gamada's return was accompanied by the 'Lagu Pulang' which was sung gracefully live by Rio Agustino (Management 2021) and Regina Natasha (Management 2021). Not to forget, PPSMB Simfoni Guides gathered their respective groups to take pictures, capturing the beautiful moments of Simfoni 2022.
Reportage: Hayfaza Nayottama