As many as 89% of adults in Indonesia have never attended training
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- Written by Kirana
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The Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) and the Vocational School UGM collaborated with PMO Kartu Prakerja held a training titled as Soft Skill Upgrade Public Lecture with the theme “How Government Can Achieve More with Less Through Innovation” on Friday (14/10) at at the FEB UGM Learning Center. The training, which is open to UGM students from all levels, aims to improve students' abilities and competencies through the Kartu Prakerja program.
Present as a speaker at the training was Hengki Sihombing as the Operations Director of the Pre-Employment Card PMO and moderated by Artika Artiningsih, Ph.D., an Accounting Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM. The training was officially opened by Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, S.E., M.Com., Akt., as the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM. In his speech, Didi said that the innovation of the Kartu Prakerja is an extraordinary solution in the digital transformation momentum that can generate economic growth aggregately. Through this training, Didi hopes that students can understand the long process of realizing this Kartu Prakerja innovation as a lesson.
Furthermore, Dr.-Ing. Ir. Agus Maryono, Dean of the UGM Vocational School, also had the opportunity to deliver his remarks. Agus believes that to achieve accelerated industrial growth, it is necessary to accelerate collaboration between the millennial generation, generation Z, and the middle-aged generation, one of which can be realized through the Kartu Prakerja program. According to him, with incentives from the Kartu Prakerja and the various skills training available, it can be utilized directly in real cases and the results will advance MSMEs in Indonesia.
The training continued to the main session, which was a comprehensive discussion on the Kartu Prakerja program by Hengki Sihombing. The birth of the Kartu Prakerja program stems from the fact that in 2020 as many as 89% of adults in Indonesia have never attended training. In a very short time, which is in only three weeks, Hengki and his team succeeded in creating a business process and ecosystem of the Kartu Prakerja program that involves various parties.
In the session, Hengki said that the key to the realization of the Kartu Prakerja program was the role of the product manager and the engineering team. There are three important aspects that need to be considered, namely business aspects, technology aspects, and customer experience aspects. Hengki also emphasized that the fundamental point of product management is that it is mandatory to create product innovations that are truly right on target and useful for users, considering that the costs and investment in realizing an innovation are no small amount. Regarding the Kartu Prakerja program, he and his team are trying hard so that the trillions of rupiah that have been disbursed will not be wasted for the people of Indonesia.
Reportage: Kirana Lalita Pristy.