FEB UGM 91 Alumni Visit Campus and Share Knowledge
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- Written by Hayfaza
- Category: News
- Hits: 778

For reasons of accommodating alumni to contribute back to the campus, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held a leadership and mentoring festival entitled "KAFEGAMA 91 Back To Share (Leadership Festival and Alumnae Mentoring Program)". This mentoring invited 9 alumni as panelists, including: Nawal Nelly as Deputy for Finance and Risk Management of the Ministry of SOEs, Mukhlis Ishak as Vice President Tax for PT Freeport Indonesia, Ema Widiastuti as Director of Business Development for Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), Wahyu Trenggono as Director Pefindo Credit Bureau, Indonesian Credit Rating Agency, Ade Agustin as Expert Economist for Bank Indonesia, Jumadi Anggana as Partner at PWC Indonesia, Suparmono as Chair of STIM YKPN Yogyakarta, Aditya Purawardana as Chief Risk Officer of BNP Paribas, and Agnes Maria as Saloon & Batik Entrepreneur.
The event was opened with remarks by the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation, and FEB UGM Alumni, Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, S.E., M.A., Ph.D. The event continued with a speech from Nawal Nelly. The event was followed by a discussion from the panelists and a question and answer session guided by the moderator. Several interesting questions were asked enthusiastically by the participants. Among them: Is it better to graduate sooner with a low level of experience or later but with a high level of experience and skills? What tips can be done when you are a freshman in FEB? Best Method of selection of receivables and payables for startups? And is it better to be a generalist or a specialist?
Wahyu Trenggono answered the first question by stating that the most important thing and must be targeted is the graduation itself “to graduate sooner or later? My answer is that the important thing to keep in mind is to pass.”, sooner or later there is no need to think too much, he added. Then, Agnes Maria answered the second question that when we are freshmen, we are free to participate in student activities, focus on academics, and even have fun with friends, as long as we keep pace with well planned time management. Jumadi Anggana answered the third question with suggestions for sourcing and selecting negotiable suppliers for startup businesses. Mukhlis Ishak continued to answer the fourth question, by providing an alternative option that it is better to be adaptive, because the work environment in the digital era requires us to understand business processes holistically so that we become generalists, but at the same time, professionals are also required to have deep expertise. in a job, such as business intelligence.
Then, the audience was divided into three groups based on their career interests: multinational companies, public companies, and starting your own business. The three groups conducted mentoring sessions and insightful discussions with enthusiasm and. After the participative discussion, the MC guided the documentation and prayer sessions, and closed KAFEGAMA 91 Back to Share. Alumni are freed to explore renovations and memories of FEB UGM while having nostalgia in every corner of their beloved faculty.
Reportage: Hayfaza Nayottama