Postgraduate FEB UGM graduated 317 Graduations
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- Written by Kirana
- Category: News
- Hits: 907

The atmosphere of emotion and joy filled the Grha Sabha Pramana Building when the postgraduate graduates of Gadjah Mada University were declared to have passed the Postgraduate Program Graduation Period I, Academic Year 2022/2023. The event was held on Wednesday (26/10) offline and was broadcasted live through the UGM Youtube channel. The ceremony started at 09.00 WIB with the accompaniment of gamelan chanting, playing the song Indonesia Raya, and Mars UGM. The ceremony continued with the opening by the Rector of UGM, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med., Ed., Sp.OG(K)., Ph.D. “After completing your education, UGM hopes that you will continue to have a commitment to the development of science and technology and uphold the UGM alma mater,” Ova said in her speech.
Then, the ceremony continued with the reading and awarding of diplomas to all graduates from the doctoral program and the best masters program graduates from each faculty. Regina Kusuma Mutti, who became a student representative from FEB, was awarded the title of best master graduate from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) with a cumulative GPA of 3.97. After the reading of the best master graduates, the ceremony continued with the awarding of diplomas to all graduates by the dean of each faculty.
The FEB UGM graduation celebration then continued in each study program consisting of Masters in Management (MM), Masters in Accounting (MAKSI), Masters in Development Economics (MEP), and Masters in Science and Doctorate. In more detail, in this graduation period, the MM study program succeeded in graduating as many as 232 graduates, MAKSI as many as 22 graduates, MEP as many as 31 graduates, and MD/MSc consisting of 28 master program graduates and 4 doctoral graduates. The series of events in each of the study programs consisted of the reports by the head of the study program, remarks from the representatives of the FEB UGM dean, messages and impressions from the graduates' representatives, and the handover of academic transcripts to all graduates.
At the Graduation Tasyakuran event organized by the Master of Accounting (MAKSI), there were messages and impressions conveyed by Ghulbuddin as the representative of the graduates. He advised other fellow graduates that the diplomas obtained should not only be evidence of having taken the master's degree, but also as evidence of having thought and committed to using the results of these ideas for the good of the nation. “We are proud to be MAKSI UGM alumni with all the responsibilities,” he said as he closed his speech. The event ended with a photo session with the graduates in the pose of throwing a toga hat in front of the FEB UGM Learning Center.
Reportage: Kirana Lalita Pristy