FEB UGM Successfully Holds Two International Conferences GAMAICEB and GAMAICI 2022
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- Written by Merisa
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As the managing institution of the Indonesian Journal of Economics and Business (JIEB), the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM is committed to accommodating researchers in the fields of economics, business, and accounting. The aim is to expand existing research and expand the network of researchers. For this reason, FEB UGM held Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB), which is an annual international conference organized by the Publication Unit of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM. This international conference was held on (23/09) and (24/09) through Zoom Meetings. In 2022, the theme for the conference is "Digital Transformation in Economics, Business, and Accounting."
The GAMAICEB activity was opened with remarks given by Gigih Fitrianto Ph.D., Chair of GAMAICEB. Gigih would like to welcome all participants who attended the 10th GAMAICEB event in collaboration with the 7th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic (GAMAICI). Furthermore, remarks were given by the Chairman of GAMAICI, Novat Pugo Sambod, SE, MIDEC, and continued with remarks from Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, SE, MA, Ph.D. as Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation, and Alumni as well as being symbolic that the event has officially opened.
GAMAICEB has 3 Plenary Sessions. Session 1 of the Plenary Session was moderated by Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, SE, MA, Ph.D. with 3 sources. The first speaker was Prof. Dr. Sri Adiningsih, M.Sc., a Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Gadjah Mada University and founder of the Institute of Social Economics & Digital (ISED). Professor Sri discussed general developments related to business economics and accounting in the digital transformation plan. She explained that currently there has been a disruption of the digital economy in the core sector which will spread to the economic sector. According to Professor Sri, humans are the center of the digital economy which will be key in the future.
Furthermore, the second speaker at Plenary Session 1 was Banjaran S. Indrastomo, Ph.D. as the Chief Economist of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk. (BSI) and Lecturer in the Islamic Economics Program at the University of Indonesia. Banjaran brings up the topic of digital Islamic banking. He explained that the existence of Covid-19 accelerated the digitalization process by enabling technological developments, such as AI, cloud, and others. These developments have encouraged the creation of innovations among conventional banks which have led to digital banking as a form of following consumer demands and expectations. The third speaker is Junbum Kwon, Ph.D. a Lecturer at the School of Marketing at the University of New South Wales and a Casual Lecture at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Kwon has done a lot of research related to visual content analysis and its applications. He explained that there are three visual content analyses, namely faces, color features, and general graphical objects.
Plenary Session was held on the second day and moderated by Diyah Putriani, Ph.D. as Secretary of the Master's Program with 2 speakers. The first speaker was Prof. Rosmimah Mohd Roslin as Dean at Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School (AAGBS), Universiti Teknologi Mara for the 2018-2021 period and visiting researcher at the Community Animation and Social Innovation Center (CASIC), Keele University, Staffordshire, United Kingdom. Professor Rosminah explained that the disruption of the pandemic made companies take unconventional methods that encouraged digitalization. The second speaker was Umar Munshi one of the Co-Founders of PT Multi Dimensia Corpora. He explained the benefits of using fintech for financial transactions are that it becomes more comfortable, more automated, more user friendly, and fintech can provide a new experience for users. In addition, the benefits of crowdfunding such as processing are more transparent, more accessible, and cover a wide range of deals.
Furthermore, the third session of the Plenary Session was moderated by Fitri Amalia, SE, M.Sc., Ph.D. as a Lecturer in the Department of Accounting FEB UGM with two speakers. The first speaker was Prof. Ts. Dr. Mira Kartiwi a Professor in the Information System Department at the International Islamic University Malaysia. The topic presented was Digitalization in Islamic Finance. Professor Kartiwi explained that digitalization is the use of digital technology to change business models and provide new revenue. The second speaker is Prof. Shahzad Uddin a Lecturer at the University of Essex who discussed the smart public sector. Professor Uddin explained that digitization in the public sector has implications for accounting and accountants. This is because digital data flows require new internal reporting practices and new roles for management accounting and accountants.
Apart from holding international conferences, GAMAICEB also holds paper competitions. In this competition, it was found that the number of abstracts collected was 94 documents, the number of full papers collected was 70 documents, and the number of full papers with Turnitin results below 25% was 60 documents. With documents broken down according to the category, there are 9 economic papers, 14 accounting papers, 6 entrepreneurship papers, 3 finance and investment papers, 1 finance and management paper, 4 human resources management, 4 leadership papers, 16 marketing papers, and 3 strategic papers management.
Meanwhile, GAMAICI also held a paper competition with the theme "Digital Transformation in Economics, Business, and Accounting: Some Notes from an Islamic Perspective." In the competition, as many as 40 teams made presentations, both abstracts, and full papers.
The winners of the 10th GAMAICEB competition based on each category, For the Best Paper Award Accounting category, were won by Frida Fanani Rohma and Nur Anita with the title "The Effect of Prepayment Contract Frames and Feedback Frequency on Budgetary Slack: An Experimental Investigation."Best Paper Award in Management Category was won by Puput Yanita Senja, Wahyu Dian Silviani, and Rosana Eri Puspita with the title "Green Practice in Flexible Working Space (FWS) Concept: How Digital Transformation Changes The Civil Servants Work Behavior in Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia .” Furthermore, the Best Paper Award in the Economics Category was won by Sugeng Triwibowo, Defy Oktaviani, and Nurfika with the title "Nonlinear Analysis of the Growth's Effect on Debt: Finding the Threshold."
Apart from that, there was also the announcement of the winner of the 7th GAMAICI competition. In the Best Paper Fatimah Ath Thahirah won with the title “Does Fintech Threaten Islamic Banking Performance in Indonesia”, Maryadi with the title “Development of Sharia Accounting System in The Agricultural Sector with Pilot Conversion Method", Fitri Handayani with the title "Financial Technology and Bank Performance in the Economy: Islamic and Conventional Banks", Dr. Muhammad Asif Khan with the title "Universities Involvement in Promoting Digital Entrepreneurship Opportunities through Digital Technologies in Indonesia", and Sulaeman with the title "Developing Blue Sukuk Linked Hajj Fund (DHLBS) Model As An Alternative Source of Financing For The Maritime Sector in Indonesia.” GAMAICEBThere was also the 2022 Reviewer Recognition Program award which was won by Dr. Ignatius Roni Setyawan SE, M.Sc., Lecturer in the Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Tarumanegara University, Rokhima Rostiani, SE, M.Mgt., Lecturer in the Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, and Dr. Leo Indra Wardhana, M.Sc., CFP, Lecturer at the Department of Economics and Business at the UGM Vocational School. Congratulations to the winners of the Best Paper Award and Best Reviewer Award.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini