Series of Impactful Social Activities on the 67th Anniversary of FEB UGM
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- Written by Kirana
- Category: News
- Hits: 726

Among the series of events for the 67th FEB UGM Anniversary, FEB UGM also held several social activities to give back to the community and shareholders who have contributed to FEB UGM. On Friday (09/09) FEB UGM held a Social Service activity of handing over social assistance in the form of gifts and care and education funds for foster children at the Ghifari Orphanage, Girikerto Village, Kec. Turi, Kab. Sleman. The gifts that were handed over were basic necessities, milk, stationery worth Rp. 3,549,790 and Rp. 21,500,000 in funds. The activity was led by Prof.Dr. Catur Sugiyanto, M.A and Mrs. Yulia Arisnani Widyaningsih, MBA.,Ph.D. and was attended by representatives of the Ghifari Orphanage and about 25 foster children.
Meanwhile, in order to maintain a relationship with retired lecturers and staff, FEB UGM held Anjangsana activity on 5-13 September 2022. This activity aims to maintain a sense of kinship by visiting the residence of approximately 37 lecturers and 24 retired staff to deliver gift parcels. In addition, FEB UGM also carried out ziarah with the essence of connecting ties of kinship by visiting lecturers/seniors/and founders of FEB UGM who have passed away. The ziarah was held on Friday (16/09) centered at the Sawitsari Graveyard and the Kotagede Graveyard. Among the approximately 25 graves of lecturers and seniors who were visited, there is the tomb of Prof. Kertanegara, S.H. as the Founder of the Faculty of Economics UGM.
In the field of public health, FEB UGM also contributed by organizing Mega Social Service activities by BEM FEB UGM in collaboration with BEM KM FKG UGM and AMSA UGM on Sunday (18/09). The naming of the Mega Bakti Sosial event means that FEB is doing and providing something big for the community. The activity was held in Barak 1 Village, Margoluwih, Seyegan, Sleman and consisted of a health check-up, dental health education, and distribution of basic necessities and clothes to wear. The villagers were very enthusiastic about participating and admitted that they had been waiting for contributions from UGM students all this time.
Not only that, in the field of community service, on Friday (23/09) FEB UGM also held a Social Service procession for the Official Delivery of Aid and the of the Drilling Well located in the Muniroh Mosque Complex, Karangpilang Lor Hamlet, Rejosari Village, Semin, Gunung Kidul. The location is in the most northeastern village of DI Yogyakarta Province, bordering Kab. Wonogiri and Kab. Sukoharjo. FEB UGM assisted in the construction of drilled wells in the area due to the consideration that the area was prone to lack of clean water during the dry season.
Hopefully all the series of social activities that have been carried out in commemoration of the 67th Anniversary of FEB UGM can bring blessings, provide widespread impact, and provide sustainable benefits to related shareholders as expected.
Reportage: Kirana Lalita Pristy.