KAFEGAMA Lampung Holds Eco-Aquaculture Webinar
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- Written by Merisa
- Category: News
- Hits: 775

On Thursday (29/12), the Economics and Business Alumni Family of Gadjah Mada University (KAFEGAMA) Lampung Province held a seminar with the theme "Seminar on Potential and Development of Eco-Aquaculture in Lampung Province." This seminar is held online through Zoom Meetings and broadcast live via YouTube channel KAFEGAMA Official.
The event began with remarks delivered by the Chairman of KAFEGAMA Lampung, Dr. Fauzi SE, M.Kom., AK., CA. Fauzi hopes that this webinar will be able to provide input because the natural potential in Lampung, especially fisheries and marine affairs, is very abundant. In addition, if these resources are increased it will have an impact on the economy and people's welfare. Furthermore, the central KAFEGAMA representative also delivered his remarks represented by Dr. Frederica Widyasari Dewi as the Secretary of KAFEGAMA.
This event was moderated by Riskha Tri Budiarti, M.Sc., an alumnus of FEB UGM. The first speaker at this seminar was Drs. Halid K. Jusuf, MPA as Director of Supervision of Marine Resources Management. Halid raised the topic of "Sea Spatial Surveillance Policy in the Context of Ecological Sustainability." He explained that the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has five blue economy strategies and action plans, including expansion of marine conservation areas, measurable fishing, development of marine, coastal and inland aquaculture, sustainable management of maritime space, coasts, and islands. small scale, and marine waste management. The blue economy itself is a concept to create a balance between ecology and economy related to marine ecosystems. Halid explained that KKP regulations are regulated in PERMENKP 28 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Marine Spatial Planning, PERMENKP 30 of 2021 concerning Monitoring of Sea Space, and PERMENKP 26 of 2022 concerning the Use of Administrative Sanctions in the Maritime and Fisheries Sector.
The second speaker was the Head of Aquaculture and Strengthening Lampung's Competitiveness, Ir. Marliana. Marliana explained that regarding the administrative area of Lampung Province according to districts/cities, there are 7 coastal cities/regencies, or 47%, and 8 non-coastal cities/regencies, or 53%. He also explained that Lampung has the potential and utilization of Lampung aquaculture consisting of marine, brackish/pond, and freshwater aquaculture. He explained that until now, the potential utilization of aquaculture land was only around 32.55% and the largest was in pond cultivation, which was 47.45%. Based on data taken from the KKP, in 2021 the aquaculture production of the Coastal District/City of Lampung will reach 98,043.25 tonnes consisting of semi-intensive ponds, intensive ponds, still water ponds, simple ponds, seaweed, other marine, cages, floating nets sea, swift water pools, fresh floating nets, and Minna Padi. Meanwhile, the production of aquaculture fisheries in the non-coastal districts/cities of Lampung in 2021 will reach 83,177 tonnes consisting of still water ponds, fresh floating nets, minapadadi, and karamba. He explained that there were several problems and challenges in fish farming in Lampung Province, such as the majority of cultivators and the majority of small cultivators.
The third speaker is Prof. Widi Agoes Pratikno Ph.D. a Professor of Marine and Fisheries Technology at the Ten November Institute of Technology with the theme Blue Economy and Provincial Economy. Widi explained that there are principles for integrated coastal and marine area management (ICZM) regulated in Law Number 27 of 2007. He also explained the maritime partner program which consists of local governments, the Directorate General of KP3K, universities, NGOs, and the private sector. Widi also emphasized that the Delineation Area is on the Wongsoredjo Coast, Banyuwangi with a list of ecotourism destinations, namely Bangsing Underwater, Pearl Beach, Tabuhan Island, Grand Watudodol, Tabuhan Island, Bimo Beach, and the Swelling Mangrove Center.
The last speaker was Dr. Yudhoyono Trinoegraha Adiputra, M.Sc., a Lecturer at the Department of Fisheries at the University of Lampung, who presented material related to "Eco-Aquaculture to Realize Intra and Inter-Generation Justice." Yudhoyono explained the causes of reduced fish resources in sea waters and coral reefs, namely pollution, disease, harmful algae, decreased sanitation, floods, hypoxia, eutrophication, storms, and heat waves. The future young generation who are prospective young fisheries entrepreneurs thinks that the fisheries and marine business aims to earn money by thinking about sustainability. He also explained that the potential for lobster seeds for cultivation in the Indonesian Fisheries Management Area is spread over 11 areas which are cultivated using an indoor nursery which is then followed by a floating net cage system.
The activity continued with a discussion session between the webinar participants and the speakers. It is hoped that this webinar can be followed up through research and collaboration between stakeholders so that it can produce output for the fisheries and marine industries. In addition, this seminar is also expected to contribute to the people of Indonesia and especially the Province of Lampung.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini