Become a Smart Generation by choosing the right investment strategy
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- Written by Hayfaza
- Category: News
- Hits: 868

Promoting the importance of student financial literacy, Bank Mandiri held an investment seminar on Friday (17/3) in the Auditorium Sukadji Ranuwihardjo, Master in Management Building, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (MM FEB UGM). The "Financial Literacy Mandiri" event was organized by Bank Mandiri in collaboration with UGM and is open to UGM students. The event began with remarks by the Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Finance, Prof. Supriyadi, M.Sc., PhD, CMA., CA., Ak.
Prof. Supriyadi underlined the existence of a recession announced by the World Bank, as well as the case of Silicon Valley Bank, which went bankrupt. Understanding various investments and their risks is very important for students as agents of change in the future, said Professor Supriyadi. Professor Supriyadi also invited UGM students to actively play as investors in various portfolios and finally be able to impart experience and information to the broader community. Evi Martiani, the Yogyakarta Area Head PT, then continued the remarks. Mandiri Bank. Evi welcomes Smart Generations; that's how the seminar audience greeted her and emphasizes Livin by Mandiri's commitment to facilitating customers from waking up to dying.
The event continued with the presentation of souvenirs from Mandiri Sekuritas to UGM. Then, this seminar was accompanied by the practice of investing together through the Livin by Mandiri application. After that, the discussion entered the main event: a sharing session on risk analysis and choosing an investment strategy. R. Muhammad Fajri, S.E., M.B.A., a lecturer of Department Management, moderated this sharing session. The first speaker, Sisilia Kho, Wealth Business Head Region VII/Java 2 PT Bank Mandiri, started sharing about the importance of investing and protecting now, not tomorrow, with a simple example, namely the comparison of Mike Tyson, a wrestler with a high salary who went bankrupt vs Mr Samsunur: a rickshaw puller who can go on pilgrimage. Sisilia also explained the need for a financial pyramid, namely (from top to bottom): Emergency Fund, Insurance, Savings, Investment, and Debt.
Yogiswara continued the sharing session, MM as Region Head DIY Central Java PT Mandiri Sekuritas and Agnes Sindhunita, Trainer at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Yogi and Agnes explained to each other what needs to be considered in the current IDX condition so that investors can choose good and relevant investments according to their respective needs and risk profiles. The event ended with a question and answer session, in which Smart Generations UGM enthusiastically participated.
Reportage: Hayfaza Nayottama