FEB UGM Graduation Period III 2022/2023, Celebration of Pride and a Bright Future
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- Written by Merisa
- Category: News
- Hits: 654

In an atmosphere of success and pride, the Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) graduates walked a new path. On Wednesday (24/05), a historical moment, they greeted those who completed their study journey and achieved a bachelor's degree. The 2022/2023 Universitas Gadjah Mada undergraduate and diploma graduation ceremony was held at Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP), which was filled with happiness." After completing your education, Universitas Gadjah Mada hopes that you will continue to have a committed development of science and technology and uphold the alma mater of Gadjah Mada University," said prof. Dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Sp.OG(K)., Ph.D. in the rector's order.
Eilena Verdine Nathania, as the FEB UGM graduate, was entrusted with giving a speech representing the period III graduates. In her remarks, Eilena mentioned that her college years were a unique experience, starting from PPSMB activities, going to university to become a new student, the Covid-19 pandemic required online lectures, to successfully passing through various obstacles and achieving graduation. Eilena also said that UGM had become a place to grow, learn, and hone oneself.
Then, the event continues in each Faculty. At the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM, the graduation celebration was held in the Auditorium of the Learning Center Building, 8th Floor. This moment began with a musical performance by representatives of students majoring in accounting class 2022. Furthermore, Dr. Vogy Gautama Buanaputra, SE, M.Sc., Ph.D., AFHEA, as Chair of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program delivered the reading of the graduation report and achievement reading. In this period, The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) graduated 43 graduates, with details of 17 from the accounting study program, five from economics, and 21 from management. Of the 43 graduates, 17 received cum laude degrees, with details of 8 graduates from the accounting study program, two from economics, and seven from management.
Meanwhile, the graduates with the best and fastest GPA were won by Eilena Verdine Nathania from the accounting study program with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.91 and a length of study of 3 years, seven months, and one day. The youngest graduate was Pembayun Putri Purwanti from the accounting study program, who completed her studies at 20 years, seven months 17 days. Furthermore, graduates with the highest GPA per study program were Muhammad Khansa Fakhreza from Economics with a 3.72 GPA, and Muhammad Hanief Hanani Purnomo from management with a 3.80 GPA.
The next event was a welcome from the graduate representative, Muhammad Hanief Hanani Purnomo, who obtained the highest GPA from the management program. In his speech, Hanief thanked his parents, family, and friends for their help in reaching this stage. "Today, we are all proud to receive a degree. Let us continue this pride by moving forward to make dreams come true," said Hanief in his speech. On the other hand, Hengky Herwanto, who represented the parents of one of the graduates, also expressed his gratitude and apologized if the graduates made mistakes during their education. He also gave a message always to improve self-quality, remain humble, and follow the principles of rice science; the more contained, the more bowed.
A.A.G. Agung Dharmawan, Deputy Head of Field IV for KAFEGAMA Collaboration, revealed that after the graduates leave campus, they will immediately become members of KAFEGAMA. KAFEGAMA is expected to become a platform for developing networks and connections. Furthermore, Suyanto, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D., Vice Dean II for Finance, Assets and Human Resources FEB UGM, congratulated the graduates for obtaining a bachelor's degree. He hopes their knowledge can benefit society, contributes to it, and uphold UGM's reputation as an alma mater.
The next event was awarding certificates by Suyanto, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D., and KAFEGAMA pinning by A.A.G. Great Dharmawan. The event ended with a prayer reading and a group photo session. Congratulations to all the graduates on their bachelor's degrees.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini