FEB UGM Holds Three Open Campus Agendas in October 2023
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- Written by Hayfaza
- Category: News
- Hits: 254

In order to open the doors to various Senior High Schools in Indonesia, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) is holding three Open Campus agendas, namely Friday (20/10), Thursday (26/10), and Friday ( 10/27). The FEB UGM Open Campus is, of course in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the 4th goal of Quality Education and the 17th goal of the Partnership for the Goals.
On Friday (20/10), FEB UGM was visited by SMAN 9 Surabaya with 150 students. The Open Campus event was held at Auditorium Pertamina Tower, with the agenda starting with remarks by Agus Ridwan, S.P., M.M Head of Administration FEB UGM. The agenda continues with an explanation of FEB UGM, including a general introduction to FEB UGM and its study programs and accreditation, entry routes to FEB UGM, as well as facilities at FEB UGM. After this explanation, the students of SMAN 9 Surabaya were invited to explore the FEB UGM environment, guided by a student guide, namely a FEB UGM student, who enthusiastically explained the function of each room and its facilities.
A week later, on Thursday (26/10), FEB was visited by SMA Al Azhar 19 Jakarta and SMA Nasima Semarang at the same time, with a total of 150 students. The next day, FEB again opened the doors to Life Skills Information Technology High School with a total of 100 students. The series of events in Open Campus takes place in the same way. The students paid attention to the explanation and campus tour enthusiastically. Not to forget, students interested in getting to know FEB UGM more deeply ask questions in the Q&A session or informally with the student guide. FEB UGM also received and gave mementos and certificates to visiting senior high school students. We thank you and hope it will be helpful for senior high schools who visit FEB UGM during the October 2023 period!
Reportage: Hayfaza Nayottama