FEB UGM Scores 6 Proud Achievements at the 2023 UGM People with Achievement Awards Night
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- Written by Hayfaza
- Category: News
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Wednesday (15/11), Gadjah Mada University (UGM) held the 2023 UGM People with Achievement Awards Night, which is an annual event to give appreciation and awards to the academic community who excel. At this event, FEB UGM succeeded in making six proud achievements at this awards night. This award is in line with SDGs number 4, Quality Education.
The 2023 UGM People with Achievement Awards Night was held at Grha Sabha Pramana. The event began with a dance performance, which was warmly welcomed by the audience. Then, the event continued with a report by the UGM Secretary, Dr Andi Sandi Antonius Tabusassa Tonralipu, S.H., LL.M.. Dr Andi said that there were a total of 78 awards. Dr. Andi also hopes that UGM's outstanding people will continue to take part for the good of the university and the country. This event was also welcomed by the Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Sp.OG., Ph.D.
At this award, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (FEB UGM) was proud because FEB won six (6) awards won by lecturers, staff and students. The first achievement was the Luluk Lusiantoro S.E., M.Sc., PhD for the award as a lecturer with Winner of Best Publication in the Social Humanities 2023, with the work title "Embracing scepticism as a non-physical form of redundancy: lessons learned from UK blood supply chain", with an Impact Factor of 9.86 and an H-Index of 4 Next, FEB made two achievements in the Inspirational Tendik category. Mr Waluyo from the SKK FEB UGM unit won 3rd Best Inspirational Teacher in the Field of Environmental Safety and Security. Apart from that, Sri Hidayat S.Kom from the MEP FEB UGM IT unit succeeded in winning the 3rd Best Inspirational Tendik in the Field of Information Technology. Apart from individual achievements, the FEB UGM Lecturer and Staff Team also won 1st place in the Protocol Competition.
Not only lecturers and staff, FEB UM students also contributed to achieving achievements on this award night. Schalke Anindya Putri (IUP Economics, 2020) won 1st place in the National Student Achievement Election (Pilmapres). Furthermore, FEB also won 1st Place in Investment Research at the National Student Competition in the Field of Business Management and Finance (KBMK) 2022 with a team consisting of Saefu Robani (Management, 2019), Aji Prakoso (Accounting, 2020), and Ahnaf Yassar Lilo (Economic Sciences, 2019 ). We express our gratitude for the support of all FEB UGM parties. We congratulate the lecturers, staff and students who achieved achievements at the 2023 UGM People with Achievement Awards Night, hopefully, they can continue to inspire and be useful for the nation!
Reportage: Hayfaza Nayottama