Personal Development Program Is A Form of FEB UGM Concern for Educational Staff
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- Written by Hilda
- Category: News
- Hits: 531

Head of the Administration Office of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), Agus Ridwan, M.M., reported on the self-development innovation program for educational staff that has been organized by FEB UGM throughout 2023, covering six different programs with a total seventeen hours of lessons. These lesson hours can be used by educational staff to meet the personal development credit figures determined by UGM within one year. "We started this specifically for essential knowledge that supports our performance," he said.
The report opens with a presentation about the first program successfully implemented in June, entitled "Career and Family: Creating a Superior Generation''. A preacher and the family consultant, Dra. Hj. Eny Harjanti, was present as a resource person. This program aims to provide knowledge and understanding for FEB UGM educational staff in carrying out their roles as employees and parents in the family to produce a superior generation. The program was held again in August in the form of digital literacy training with the theme "Tips for Maintaining Safe Use of Computers and Power Devices", with resource person Dani Adhipta, S.Sc., M.T. as a lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering (FT) UGM. Education personnel are invited to increase awareness of the types of crimes that lurk in cellphone use and the importance of vigilance in anticipating potential digital crimes.
At the beginning of September, FEB UGM again held a self-development program with the theme "Sexuality and Family Health Problems". A lecturer at the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM, Dr. dr. Dicky Moch. Rizal, M. Kes., Sp.And., AIFM, SubSp-FER., was present as a resource person. The discussion includes the importance of observing children's sexual health from early childhood to adolescence, starting from the size and completeness of sexual organs to the menstrual cycle. It did not stop there; the program was held again the following month with the topic "Tips for Physical Activity in the Work Environment to Increase Productivity and Wellbeing", with resource person Prof. Dr. Novita Intan Arovah, MPH., Ph.D. as a lecturer at the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (FIKK UNY). The discussion covers the components of human wellbeing, how to improve it, and recommendations for physical activity based on age.
The program continued in November with the theme "Balanced Nutrition to Increase Productivity in the Workplace''. A lecturer at FKKMK UGM, Dr. Mirza Hapsari Sakti Penggalih, S.Gz., MPH., was present as a resource person. He explained the critical daily nutritional formula for office workers and visualized the ideal food proportions on one plate to achieve balanced nutrition. The series of self-development programs in 2023 closed with a discussion on "Good Money Habits for Healthy Living" with resource person Prita Hapsari Gozie, SE., M.Com., GCertFP, CFP, QWP, AEPP as a practising financial consultant and founder of Zapfinance. The discussion begins with explaining the reverse causality between financial health and mental health problems and discusses the importance of saving and investing.
The six self-development programs successfully implemented by FEB UGM in 2023 show the faculty's concern for increasing the competence and professionalism of education staff, including the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to carry out their roles. A different theme that is no less interesting will return in 2024 as a form of faculty support for educational staff, both civil servants, permanent, non-permanent and contract, in carrying out their duties and functions professionally and ethically.
Reportage: Hilda Bhakti