Unilever Offers Various Career Development Programs for Students
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- Written by Kurnia
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Working at a dream company and achieving a brilliant career is a dream for many people. Many companies offer prestigious positions that fresh graduates can take from universities. One of them is PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk. In addition to offering various positions for fresh graduates, this company also provides several programs for students interested in building a career there.
Assistant Talent, Learning, Employer Branding Manager at Unilever Indonesia, Ayuning Galuh Resmi, explained that Unilever Indonesia offers various programs for students interested in building careers here. Some programs include Inspiring Unileader, Temu Kami, Women in Engineering Unilever Leadership Fellowship (WUFLF), Future Leaders League, You-Step!, Unilever Leadership Internship Programme (ULIP), Unilever Future Leaders Programme, and U-Fresh.
"Unilever Indonesia has various initiatives and facilities aimed at improving the health and well-being of its employees, such as employee health programs, on-site health facilities, health insurance, mental well-being programs, sports facilities, and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) programs," she explained on Saturday (31/05) in a Career Webinar with the theme Build Your Career With Unilever organized by the Career and Student Development Unit (CSDU) of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM.
Galuh stated that Unilever Indonesia operates on the principle that people are the "heartbeat" of Unilever. This means that when they thrive, Unilever's business also thrives. In its business operations, Unilever also strives to create a sustainable working environment through the principles of brand with purpose grow, companies with purpose last, and people with purpose thrive.
Finance Business Partner Manager at Unilever Indonesia, Muhammad Hafizh Caesaro, shared his experience as a student and successfully became a part of Unilever Indonesia. He emphasized the positive work environment at Unilever Indonesia, where he found supportive colleagues and a nurturing atmosphere. He advised students to continuously hone their skills and develop their potential, reassuring them that their uniqueness can be their strength at Unilever Indonesia.
Previously, Head of the Accounting Study Program, Vogy Gautama Buanaputra, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., AFHEA., in his remarks, expressed the hope that this event could provide FEB UGM students with insights into career opportunities at Unilever Indonesia. With this career webinar, students are expected to be more prepared when entering the workforce.
Reportase: Hilda Bhakti Fahrezi
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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