FEB UGM Assists Residents to Develop Sustainable Tourism Village
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- Written by Kurnia
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The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), through the Microeconomics Dashboard Study Division, held an evaluation of the impact of training interventions to develop a chocolate tourism village in Banjarharjo Village, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta. In the activity that took place on Saturday, June 1, 2024, the Banjarharjo Cocoa Farmers Group and Kedai Cokelat Wondis were involved.
Micdash Study Coordinator, Qisha Quarina, Ph.D. Cokelat said that the evaluation of the impact of training interventions is part of the community service program carried out by the Economics and Business Clinic. This program was carried out to evaluate the effect of the training provided in 2023.
"In 2023, we provided a training program covering the fields of Public Speaking, Tourism Design, and Digital Marketing. The training was aimed at Banjarharjo Village community groups consisting of Cocoa Farmers, Women Farmers Group, and Youth Organization," she said on Wednesday (5/6) at FEB UGM.
Qisha elaborated on the community mentoring activities, which were designed to empower the community and foster the sustainable development of Banjarharjo chocolate tourism village. The mentoring, conducted through training, aimed to enhance the community's capacity in managing and promoting the village. By improving the community's ability to manage and promote the tourism village, the program aimed to increase the community's income and foster self-sufficiency.
The training program was not only designed to benefit the community but also to contribute to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Specifically, the program aimed to contribute to gender equality, industrial innovation, and partnerships for sustainable development goals. Qisha emphasized That the program aimed to empower all community groups, both men and women, to contribute to the development of their villages.
Impact evaluation activities involve lecturers and students of the Economics Faculty of Economics UGM who act as assessors of the program's success. The involvement of lecturers and students in this activity is expected to enrich their learning experience and make a real contribution to society. This activity also intends to integrate community service programs with teaching programs at FEB UGM.
EvaluationEvaluation instruments in surveys and focus group discussions (FGDs) are used to measure the success of the training program to measure the training program's success. This instrument is designed to collect empirical evidence of the impact of training on predetermined indicators, such as financial independence of tourism villages, sustainability of tourism villages, and improvement of the quality of active, creative, and innovative community resources.
"With this evaluation, we hope to obtain a clear picture of the effectiveness of the training that has been provided, as well as identify areas that need to be improved for the future," he concluded.
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
Sustainable Development Goals