Tips for Building a Harmonious Family
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- Written by Orien
- Category: News
- Hits: 210

Having a harmonious family is undoubtedly the dream of every couple. In Islam, one type of harmonious family is known as a sakinah (harmonious).
"A harmonious family is a family that experiences tranquility, security, and peace," explained H. Handdri Kusuma, S.Ag., M.S.I., Head of KUA Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta, when he served as a speaker at the Professional Staff Self-Development Program 2024 on Thursday, August 29, 2024. The event was held in person on the 8th floor of the FEB UGM Learning Center and online via Zoom.
At the event, attended by more than 100 FEB UGM professional staff and other faculty members within UGM, Handdri gave a presentation titled "Working with Integrity, Blessed Sustenance, and a Harmonious Family". He explained that love is like a flower that can wither or even die.
"Love is like a flower that can sometimes wilt or even die, so it needs to be nurtured, watered, and cared for," he said.
He revealed nine ways to maintain a harmonious family. These nine ways include mutual understanding, forgiveness, respect, helping, praising, and giving. In addition, they should avoid demeaning or insulting each other, not be quick to fall for false rumors, and refrain from doing things that can taint the purity of love and loyalty.
Reportage: Orie Priscylla Mapeda Lumalan
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
Sustainable Development Goals