The Importance of Fairness in Dividing Roles between Work and Family
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- Written by Adella
- Category: News
- Hits: 544

Tuesday (27/06), the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), held a self-development program for teaching staff with the theme "Career and Family: Creating an Excellent Generation". This activity was conducted offline at the Function Hall, 8th floor of the FEB UGM Learning Center Building and online via the Zoom Meeting platform. This program aims to provide knowledge and understanding for FEB UGM education staff, both civil servants, permanent, non-permanent, and contract, in carrying out careers as employees and parents in families to create a superior generation.
The event began by singing Indonesia Raya and Hymne Gadjah Mada together. The event continued with remarks by Dr. Suyanto, S.E, M.B.A., as Vice Dean for Finance, Assets and Human Resources of FEB UGM. Dr. Suyanto stated that the theme raised in this program was fundamental in order to be able to balance the dual roles of FEB UGM education staff, both as professionals in the office and as parents in the family (household). "The combination of practice and theory will help us in dealing with conflicts in the office and at home," he hopes through this program.
The resource person for this program is Dra. H. Eny Harjanti, leader of the An-Nur Islamic Orphanage Orphanage in Bantul. "Being a career woman or man is a choice," said Eny to start the discussion. Quoting Al-Quran Surah An-Nahl verse 97, Eny said that Islam gives equal rights to men and women to work as a form of emancipation. She also emphasized that in work, we should base our intention to worship and be of benefit to society. She also said it is essential to share time and be fair in dividing roles in work and family.
Next, Eny explained about the superior generation. One indicator of a superior generation is aqidah (belief in religion). Parents play a role in monitoring children to be safe in religion. This can be done anywhere, including the office. "Assalamualaikum, son, have you prayed or not?" said Eny while giving an example of monitoring children's worship via telephone. In addition, parents need to use excellent and persuasive language when talking to their children. Thus, parents can advise children without appearing to command. The event continued with a question and answer session, which the participants enthusiastically welcomed.
Reportage: Adella Wahyu Pradita
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