The Importance of Observing Children's Sexual Health From Early Ages to Teenagers
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- Written by Hayfaza
- Category: News
- Hits: 428

In an effort to increase the knowledge of teaching & professional staffs (Tendik) at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), FEB UGM carried out self-development with the theme "'Sexuality and Family Health Problems'" which was held in a hybrid manner at the Function Hall of the Learning Center Building Floor 8 FEB UGM on Monday (4/9). This self-development presents Dr. dr. Dicky Moch. Rizal M. Kes, Sp. and, AlFM, SubSp-FER, Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM, Specialist in Andrology as speakers.
This event began with remarks by the Head of the FEB UGM Administration Office, Agus Ridwan, S.P., M.M. Then, Dr Dicky started this event by explaining the importance of observing children's sexual health from an early age to adolescence, and checking each other's sexual health until old age, because sexuality is a biological aspect that occurs throughout the ages. In more detail, things that parents can pay attention to include the size and completeness of the child's sexual organs, the child's menstrual cycle, and much more.
Dr. Dicky continued that in order to support good sexuality in the family, parents need to teach sex education that is good, comprehensive and medically accurate. This will have a positive impact on children's decision-making regarding sexual activities. Conversely, if sex education is not carried out optimally, children will be exposed to the influence of social media related to inaccurate understandings of sex, which has the potential to lead to unwanted things, for example, pregnancies outside of marriage. Good sex education includes family planning, fertilization, sexually transmitted diseases, aspects that affect sex (illustrated in Maslow's hierarchy of needs), birth control methods and many other sexual aspects.
Regarding family health, Dr. Dicky explained that various sexual problems ranging from dysfunction and decreased sexual ability to sexual abnormalities are likely to cause disharmony. So, this needs to be communicated well, especially by married couples. It is also essential for married couples to get to know each other's sexual cycles and sexual stimulation so that both parties can achieve sexual satisfaction. Wives and husbands both have an obligation to bring their partner to orgasm, he added. Dr. Dicky also invited Tendik to consult a sexologist regarding sexuality issues. In this development, Dr. Dicky also explained the case of a patient who had consulted him. Dr. Dicky then explained to Tendik in detail about the cases that often occur, their handling, and most importantly, prevention. Tendik's self-development ended with a question and answer session, which was enthusiastically attended by Tendik both offline and online.
Reportage: Hayfaza Nayottama